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Third's POV

"But anyway, if you're only good enough to compete against me in my present condition, you have no chance! Just give up being a pirate!" Don Chinjao shouted as red small lines appeared on his eyes. He then jumped on the air while clasping his hands, facing his palms on each other. He hammered Luffy and once again failed.

"Shut it, Old man!" Haruki shouted, and Don Chinjao stared at her for a few seconds while on the air. Haruki slumped down on the chair and creased her forehead while crossing her arms near her chest.

"Head-Arms-Spin!" Chinjao was upside down and confronted Luffy in that position, he then began twirling from before in which he created a very intense wind. He then went towards Luffy with his spinning mode, not even having a motion sickness with that. "Wild Dance!"

Don Chinjao spins on the places where Luffy appeared but none of them hit him or something. Don Chinjao is spinning here and there while Luffy is jumping and dodging here and there. Luffy was waiting for an open opportunity to strike his attack at Don Chinjao. When Luffy ducked when Chinjao jumped and attacked him, Luffy then instantly extended his arms and wrapped it around Chinjao's spinning move or whatever you called that, wisely trapping him there. Then Luffy pulled back his left extended arm that he used to wrap around Chinjao's body. Chinjao ws wobbling and spinning from left to right.

Luffy then went to run towards the off-guarded Chinjao and equipped his Second Gear as his right hand was clenched tightly. "Gomu-Gomu no....Hawk Rifle!" Luffy extended his right arm and hardened it as he used it to punch on Chinjao.

"Lucy's going for it!" Commentator Gatz commented when he noticed that from Luffy.

Luffy did not lose any seconds and launched it on Chinjao's stomach that made him grunt in total pain. He was tumbling on the floor over and over again for a while. As Luffy unequipped his Second Gear and put his right arm back to normal. However, Haruki did not cheer for Luffy because she can feel that Don Chinjao can still fight and it's not yet defeated for now. Because to Haruki, Don Chinjao is one hell of an old man, a very strong one. Gritting his teeth, Don Chinjao stood up and confronted Luffy with his clenched fist.

Smirking at Luffy, he spoke. "You're not too bad but if a guy like Rayleigh chose a brat of this level...as the flag-bearer for the new generation, he's not as smart as he used to be! The Navy showed some good insight when they squelched the most evil of the lot, I mean Ace, of course, in the war two years ago. That fool had the demon's blood in his veins! You think you can beat the Navy Admirals and the Four Emperors and surpass Roger?! That's impossible! And that woman who you were with- " Don Chinjao told Luffy with his smirk plastered on his face. However, he was cut off by Luffy before he could say something that will blow Luffy's mind a bit.

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