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Third's POV

As soon as Luffy defeated Cracker, he collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily. They've been fighting at night with only a few minutes for rest. Luffy had it tough, but in the end, he defeated Cracker with all his might. Haruki and Nami went closer to Luffy with their happy faces. It was expected coming from Haruki and Nami that it will be Luffy's win over his and Cracker's fight. They've always believed that Luffy can defeat Cracker. Not only Haruki and Nami but all of the Straw Hat crews and those people who are close with Luffy. 

That's how strong all of their beliefs are towards Luffy. 

"Luffy! Are you okay?!" Nami asked Luffy as soon as she was beside him. 

"Yow, Luffy! Look at your stomach! It's so big that could serve as my trampoline right now!" Haruki beamed as Nami punched her head hard, glaring red at Haruki. "What? I was just trying to cheer him up!" said Haruki.

"Was that even cheering?!" Nami shouted back at Haruki while showing her fist. 

Haruki crossed her arms on her chest and looked away, not wanting to argue with Nami anymore because what their navigator had said was a fact. Like what Haruki said, Luffy's stomach was still full and big, but not as huge as before. He ate quite a lot of Cracker's Biscuit Soldiers today and that must have served as his breakfast. Luffy does not even know if he can still eat more today.

"I ate a lifetime's worth of biscuits....." Luffy whispered in his tired voice. 

Nami placed her hands on her knees and crouched her body a bit so she could look at Luffy's bloated stomach. "But you shrunk back down a lot." she said that Haruki agrees. 

"Gear Four takes so much energy." Luffy explained to them with his puffed cheeks. He was too tired that he could not move any of his muscles, and the only thing he wanted right now is to rest for a bit. To Haruki, his face looks like a pufferfish and his body looks like a hippopotamus. What an amazing combination. 

For now, Haruki and Nami decided to let Luffy take a good amount of rest, Haruki took out the map of the Whole Cake Island that Katakuri gave to her, before bidding their goodbyes. Haruki gave it to their navigator- Nami since she's the only one Haruki could think of who is good at maps. 

"Where did you get this, Haruki?" Nami immediately asked Haruki as soon as she received the map from the woman who was away for one day. She was too curious as to where Haruki got that detailed map. 

Nami thought of two possible reasons as to how Haruki got those. First, she must have arrived in the Sweet City and stolen those from someone who got a high position in Big Mom's crew. Second, someone willingly gave the map to Haruki to shut her noisy mouth up. 

When Nami finished her question, Haruki was in deep thoughts. She was torn in between telling them that she met two new friends on this island but then she remembered the promise she and Katakuri made. 

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