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Third's POV

"How could Moria-sama die in the war?!" A certain pinked haired girl with twin pigtails put her one arm to cover her eyes as she mourned for his, oh-so-called death. The two ghosts at the back are even expressing a sad face. Negative ghosts.

There lies the most powerful swordsman in the world, reading a newspaper while holding his wine in his right hand. The pinked hair girl continued to cry, this time flying in an infinite direction (I did not mean the infinite set in math, rather an eight horizontally direction?). Whatever, she's crying and flying with her two ghosts that's all that matters.

"You are irritating. If you must cry, go outside." the man said as he placed his glass of wine on the table.

"What a cold-hearted man! How can you say that to someone in mourning?!" her voice changed as she said those words, "Why can't you say something nice to cheer me up, and bring me a warm cup of cocoa? I'm your guest you know!"

"An uninvited guest. You just barged in and settled here during my absence. Besides..." He said as he read an article in the newspaper he is holding. Squinting his eyes, he continued "This article is not entirely credible." She stopped from her crying and shock was written all over her face, she couldn't believe that her Moria-sama is still alive and kicking.

"Huh? Does that mean that Moria-sama wasn't killed in the war?" she asked the man. One of the ghosts behind her is sticking its tongue out.

"I am not certain whether he still lives but, from what I recall Moria was still alive when I last saw him on the battlefield." the man said, recalling what really happened to this Moria guy.

"If he didn't die in the battle, Why would they even bother to print an article like that?"

"I don't know"

An injured man entered inside the room, breathing heavily. He was putting his right hand on the door frame while the other hand is grasping the sheath of one of his swords.

"What are you doing out of the bed?! Go back and rest, you half-dead idiot!" the girl said, stuttering the first word as she could not believe that his man has a head as hard as a rock. "And you even have your swords. Are you going to go and act recklessly again? You just can't beat those baboons. You'll probably die this time." she continued holding out her hand as she and her two ghosts shook their heads in disbelief.

"Shut it! It's none of your concern"

"What's with that tone! Who do you think strained herself trying to carry you all the way back here?!". The man did not pay attention to what the girl said.

"Hawkeye..." he said walking in his direction and he then stopped using his swords as a support when he felt pain in his body.

"See you can't even walk straight!" the girl pointed out

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