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Third's POV

The Straw Hats were busy doing all the things they needed to complete and what Law had just announced to them a while ago.

They needed to think and act fast in order to get out of this island, free from any possible harm.

Chopper, on the other hand, was busy running with a big pink bag on his back and is also carrying a piece of crumpled paper that someone threw it to him, back at the room where Law dropped him off. Chopper still doesn't know who threw it at him as he shook his head, thinking about the children first. He was making his way towards where the children are and gave them the cure he just made in a small amount of time. 

His main priority is the children.

He needs to save the children as soon as possible and he'll definitely be going to cure all the drugged children and make them more healthy than ever.

In the entrance room, building A, Usopp had told Zoro about Luffy getting defeated by Caesar as Zoro said something to their Captain to get things serious now because the New World is getting tougher and stuff.

Luffy being Luffy, defeated the enemies who were also blocking the door and did it in his UFO ability or whatever with Law following closely behind him.

Luffy is not clearly taking things seriously but was determined to kick Caesar's butt for being evil, not only to the children but also his people.

An alarm had been heard the room they were in, indicating that the door will be sealed as gas will start to enter building A, cannons are ready towards the entrance door of building A.

However, the G-5 soldiers keeps on aiming their gun at the Straw Hat Crew, not liking the idea of surviving and escaping this island with them. Or probably it is their duty and sworn their lives to capture all the pirates their eyes laid on.

"I don't know what time limit Trafalgar Law was talking about but we ain't gonna let you escape from under our noses, Straw Hat Pirates!"

"You got nowhere to run!"

Zoro did no think twice about moving forward towards the G-5 soldiers as they blocked the path for them to run. Kinemon and Brook following behind him. Gripping the handle of his sword, he eyed then seriously. "Give it up!"

Seeing that made the soldiers gasped in fear as they all controlled theirselves to not took a step backward. However, Zoro, Brook and Kinemon had already rushed forward, unsheathing their swords. Since they are kind of blocking the path as stated before.

They all defeated them in less than a second.

Usopp complimented them on Brownbeard's shoulders. "Wow! We can always count on you three swordsmen!" he then noticed that something or someone is missing in the action as he tried his best to point it out. "Wait- I think I miss someone's name or something?" 

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