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Warning: Language, Profanity, and Violence


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Third Person's POV


"Roronoa, I'm bored!" Haruki whined and pouted her lips. "I wanna go have some fun! Like playing with the gorillas outside, spar with Hawky, hosting a tea party with the noisy girl, and wearing tiaras with you, Roronoa!" she cried dramatically. 

They have been inside the same room Mihawk and Perona left. After introducing their selves to each other, the duo was not kind of close, but not too close. Haruki already opened up herself to Zoro, but not literally everything. Just the part how she truly loves all of her beloved brothers and Pops as she did not mention their names. 

"Don't you think it's more fun if me, you, noisy woman, Hawky, and the Gorillas outside will all play together?" she curiously asked Zoro. 

Zoro's mouth parted a little. "Not going to happen. Ever. I beg to disagree in playing with them. Beside, Hawkeye and them, playing together? That's too out of this world. I don't want to imagine what kind of play are we going to play once all of us are in one place. Damn!he cursed silently. 

"Come on! I want some fun! Why will you beg to disagree?" Haruki cried like a kid, stomping her foot on the ground. "Well, I also disagree with your disagreement!"

"What in the world is that?!"

Zoro could only sigh heavily. 

"Here's the thing, did you already forget about what Hawkeye said to you before he left? He said that he is going to tour you around the castle. Let's wait, maybe he'll be here in a while." Zoro explained calmly. "Stand up, Haruki. You'll get yourself dirty. Hawkeye might skin me alive before he could even train me." he said, earning a pout from Haruki.

He is helping Haruki to stand up from her feet and her dramas. Haruki was actually rolling side to side on the floor just a few seconds ago, not minding the dirt kissing her clothes and some exposed part of her legs and arms. 

Haruki pouted her lips and crossed her arms. "It's been an hour since Hawky left. He completely forgot about me." she said and shed tears, a dramatic one. 

"I'm pretty sure he didn't. Rest for a while, Haruki. You just got into this island, right?" Zoro said and wiped the tears on Haruki's eyes. 

"Okay! If you say so! Okay, I'll rest and wait for Hawky!" Haruki beamed and just like that she went back to her cheerful and jolly self. "I believe in the supremacy of Shichibukai Hawky! I also believe in the words of honor of Roronoa Zoro!" she giggled charmingly causing her body to shake a little. 

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