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This chapter is dedicated to the following usernames: _HappyMochiKB_097aichadbsSakura_SenshiParfair_loveSii_eL,  Redhairshirayuki2004Bepoxxangelforaki, for the votes from the previous chapter. Thank you, everyone! Your vote is highly appreciated! <3


Warning: Language, Profanity, and Violence


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Not Edited

Third Person's POV


Morning came the same

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Morning came the same. Clouds are dancing in the sky. Sun shines bright the most. The sounds of the waves were consoling, playing soft music to Haruki's ears. The sunlight shone through the window of her bedroom, kissing her face lightly. 

Nighttime wasn't easy. Sleeping in an unknown room, now her own room was thin on the ground. When the sun rises up, Haruki was still sleeping like a grub. Messy hair was all over the white bed sheet. Eyes closed as the weird sleeping position was exposed. Drool escaped from Haruki's mouth and was wide opened. Hands and legs were all spread wide. The white sheets were tangled and wrinkled. 

Yes, that's Haruki's sleeping current state. 

It was another day to start which also means another beginning. 

Mihawk went to Haruki's room and woke her up. Honestly, he was having a hard time but eventually, he successfully did in the end. He gave her time to fix herself, leaving Haruki inside her room alone, heading his way to where breakfast are about to be served. 

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