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Third's POV

Kinemon showed his gratitude not only to Nekomamushi and Inuarashi but to all the minks that keep Raizo safe and did not sell him out to Jack. "I'm deeply grateful to you all!" Kinemon shouted as he looked at all of them.

Nekomamushi closed his eyes whiling flashing a smile on his face. "It's not a big deal! Don't mention it!" he told him and Inuarashi nodded his head while giving off a smile.

"Thank you! And now, as proof, I offer you this!" Kinemon shouted and bowed down his head sincerely as he then straightened his body and confronted them. Kinemon took of the upper part of his kimono, revealing a tattoo on his back, the Kozuki Clan crest. Comprehending it, the minks gasped loudly and eyes went wide once again as they could not take off their eyes from his tattoo.

"Yes, that's certainly the same Kozuke clan crest that Duke-sama, Master and Raizo-san have!" Wanda spoke as Carrot beside her smiled at it.

Haruki raised her right arm on the air while using her left hand to wipe all of the tears from her eyes, as Zoro helped her. "I-I cannot see what's on his back." Haruki sobbed and voiced out as Kinemon looked at her with a sad look, remembering something as he crossed his arms on his chest.

"Kozuki......" Luffy whispered. He was sitting on a broken wall while Nami and Usopp were also sitting on a small rock boulder. As Brook was just standing on their back.

"I can't believe they know each other! I was really prepared for a clash against the Minks! Jeez!" Usopp said while looking at them as he then sighed deeply.

Brook nodded his head. "We were trying to keep the samurai a secret. We were just beating our bones against the wall. I mean, heads. Yohohoho!" Brook laughed at his small joke.

Robin turned her body to look at them while giving off a smile. "It couldn't be helped. They couldn't have told the whole story even to us."

"You're right." Chopper smiled.

"She just said the doggy and the kitty have he same crest. Maybe their bond is far stronger than we realize." Nami said while putting her right hand on her right cheeks as she used her thighs to support her elbow.

"I-I wanted to have a crest tattoo too!" Haruki voiced out while fidgeting her fingers and looked at it. A deep sigh could be heard beside Haruki as Zoro crossed his arms and closed his right eye. "I guess Zoro won't allow me at all! I'll just use a pen to draw!" Haruki pouted.

"But Inuarashi, Nekomamushi.....It is surprising to see you two alive and well here!" Kinemon grinned and looked at them as he had already putted his kimono perfectly once again. Kinemon was so happy that they were alive and kicking for many years they were apart from one another.

Inuarashi grinned at him. "Death would've been a relief to us. But we thought if we trust the words from the day and wait here......."

"Yeah, then we get to see you0gara guys one day!" Nekomamushi spoke, smoking.

𝓒𝓪𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓭 (ᴀ ᴏɴᴇ ᴘɪᴇᴄᴇ ꜰᴀɴᴄᴛɪᴏɴ) ʀᴏʀᴏɴᴏᴀ ᴢᴏʀᴏ x ᴏᴄWhere stories live. Discover now