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Third's POV

"Whatever." Haruki said while rolling her eyes out as she slowly caressed her well-round and full tummy. Luffy and Chopper on her sides could not even look at the angry officer- Chocopolice, due to how satisfied they are with eating the whole cafe as if it is the only food left in this world.

Nami and the others went in the direction where the ruckus came from, as Pedro was the first one to arrived there, with Nami and the others trailing right far behind him. The reason why Pedro was rushing towards the trio's direction is that the trio might not be going to defend themselves when it comes to emotionally and physically combats due to how full, stuffed, and packed their stomachs are.

"Oh, no! They're gonna get arrested!" Pedro said as he placed his right hand on the handle of his sword, which was positioned at his back. Pedro was wearing a blue dress shirt with a circular shaped playing in the middle of his dress shirt. A dark blue cape with the same circular-shaped frills was designed on the edges of his cape, and lastly, he was wearing a hat from the family of blue.

Brook caught up to him and restrained Pedro from charging at the police officer that was about to arrest the trio. "Don't make a scene, Pedro-san!" Brook said in a half-whisper and half-shout voice.

"Wait, Chocopolice-san!" a very feminine voice could be heard from above.

A flying carpet made from a remarkably luxurious fabric could be seen floating in the air, engaging in its way towards the scene that the trio made. The angry officer named Chocopolice looked up from the sky, wanting to gaze at the person who called his name. A woman of light chestnut hair styled in twin pigtails as her hair was swaying due to the air.

"Name! This way!" Carrot shouted at Nami who was close behind her as Nami shouted at Carrot to wait for her because she could not keep up Carrot's speed. She was guiding Nami to the scene where the trio made.

On the other side, Pedro was gritting his teeth while looking at the scene. He wanted to force his way there, but Brook prevents him from doing that and develops another scene.

"They're in trouble! What should we do!" Brook said, scared of what's going to happen next to the trio. Just as Brook executed his sentence, Carrot and Nami had arrived from Brook and Pedro's coordinates.

The woman who called Chocopolice passed them by as the trio forced their eyes to examine at the woman. They were fascinated by the fact that a carpet was flying in the air, and that a person was riding on the carpet, well to Haruki. Chopper even asked what was that, while Luffy just squinted his eyes twice while looking at the woman and her carpet.

"Is that....." Nami trailed.

"A carpet?" Carrot said to finish Nami's sentence. They were all looking at the woman and her flying carpet in awe.

𝓒𝓪𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓭 (ᴀ ᴏɴᴇ ᴘɪᴇᴄᴇ ꜰᴀɴᴄᴛɪᴏɴ) ʀᴏʀᴏɴᴏᴀ ᴢᴏʀᴏ x ᴏᴄWhere stories live. Discover now