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Third's POV

Haruki, Zoro and Kinemon were waiting for Bartolomeo to bring Luffy to them. However, he does sure take his time, but that is fine for all of them because they knew how Luffy is, he is really everywhere. Not only him, but Bartolomeo, too. He is stuttering when in comes to the Straw Hats Crew. All in all, they have faith in him in bringing Luffy to them. While waiting politely, Haruki, Zoro and Kinemon were having a conversation about random topics that they are just spitting some random stuffs and more, and that I won't say anything about it. In short, they were just making use of the time by spitting random nonsense and stuff, waiting for Luffy to arrive and begin explaining the important things.

Just like this one....

"Okay, none of you will get the correct answer. I'm 100% sure that you both will not even get the correct answer. And beside, you can only guess once, okay?" Haruki smirked at Zoro and Kinemon, who is giving the same vide at her, too. It was her turn to ask them some question and before her it was Kinemon, then followed by Zoro. Haruki is the last one to ask them a question while waiting for Luffy, and if Luffy is still not in the meeting place, then they will have to go back to Kinemon and let him ask them a question, then Zoro, and lastly Haruki. Just making use of their time. "What is the capital of Dressrosa?" Haruki asked them, not even daring to remove the smirk plastered on her face. She is certain that they will not get the correct answer because of how tricky the question is nor their answer is not even that close to the answer Haruki is eagerly anticipating.

Zoro smirked widely, too. He is pretty sure with his satisfactory answer because he overheard someone talking about the Capital of Dressrosa, and he somewhat read it somewhere in which he already forgets where and when. All in all, Zoro gave Haruki his answer, confident of it. "Acacia!"

"Wrong!" Hearing that from Haruki, Zoro's eyes widened because he got it wrong, wherein fact he was so certain that Acacia is the answer.

"Corrida?" Kinemon answered that loos more like a question to Haruki. She gave him a smirk.

"Wrong! Wrong Wrong! Both of you are wrong! See, you will not get the correct answer!" Haruki told them as she used her left arm to clutch her waist because of how she finds it funny that Zoro and Kinemon guess it incorrectly. While she used her other arm to wipe the happy tears that is beginning to take form on her eyes. She really finds this so funny and hilarious. This interest her so much.

"Acacia is the capital of Dressrosa, Haruki!" Zoro corrected her but Haruki glared at him.

"I said, it's not that one! If I said it's wrong, then it's wrong!" Haruki snapped at Zoro.

"Then tell us the "correct" answer!" Both Zoro and Kinemon yelled at her, waiting for her to reveal the correct answer of the capital of Dressrosa.

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