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Third's POV

Defeating all the Sutchies was tiring yet easy. No matter how many they are trying to suck their blood dry, the Sutchies never succeeded. The fun part during their battle was Franky using his nipple light to attract some bugs towards him as Zoro was the one who fought the Sutchies near Franky. It was somewhat clever and smart for Franky to think fast. The Straw Hats along Wanda and Carrot quickly exterminate the Sutchies in no time.

Haruki was freaking out during at that time as she does not want the Sutchies to suck her blood nor allow their tiny little legs to land on her skin. None of her brothers or her Pops, Whitebeard allowed any insects to bite and go near Haruki on her body. There was this one time were the Whitebeard Pirates were serious about killing one mosquito who was about to suck Haruki's blood. It was chaos at that time and all of them participated in killing one mosquito that at the end they failed to do so.

Currently, their group continued to travel towards the Whale Forest to meet Nekomamushi and the Guardians. While walking towards the Whale Forest Guardian's headquarters, Brook lightened up their night with a song about meeting Nekomamushi as the others listened to his song and as he completed his song, they finally reached the Whale Forest Guardian's headquarters or what minks called them the "Guardians Dwelling". Haruki and the others examined and scanned their home carefully with their mouth opened a bit.

In terms of differentiating the Right Flank Fortress and the Guardians Dwellings, the Right Flank Fortress was more bright and vivid, while the Guardians Dwellings was gloomy. For all one knows, the outside of their home is really wrecked as if an intense storm happened. There were shattered and torn wooden planks on the ground, not only that but the fog was making their home hair-raising. Some houses or buildings were broken, mostly on the roofs. However, we should not judge its appearance on the outside or inside.

"This place has been totally wrecked." Franky voiced out as he was looking carefully on the surrounding.

"What happened in here?" Haruki whispered into the thin air out of curiosity and felt sad for the minks who were having disaster days on what had happened here days and days ago. If only they could help them during those days then they won't be experiencing situations like this.

Luffy stood up and gasped while looking at the huge tree that resembled a whale. "The Whale Tree......looks even bigger up close!" Luffy said and smiled widely.

"I wanna go there someday!" Haruki beamed, linking her arms onto Luffy's while giggling hysterically. She undoubtedly wanted to go there and explore more. Haruki believes that there is something important there that's why the two Guardians: Roddy and Blackblack, attacked them when she and Luffy were about to go there.

There were minks outside, squatting on the ground. Despite the happenings of their country, they nonetheless continue to strive what's best for their country and carry out a very sincere and charming smile to one another. When the minks glimpse them, they immediately surrounded and greeted them with their signature "Garchu."

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