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Third's POV

"Listen, you damn pirates!" one G-5 soldier spoke, drawing a line on the ground, trying to tell the Straw Hat Crew something. "The tanker is yours! And this is the line between good and evil. So don't think of crossing it! Got that, Straw Hats?!"

They were hard-pressed provoking the hell out of the Straw Hats Crew but none of them did not mind them, except for one particular person whose name is Haruki.

Haruki was carefully looking at the line the G-5 soldiers established as her forehead ceased from the irregular portion between good and evil and even the line isn't even that straight so she's unsure if it's balance or what.

"Hey!" she merely called them, narrowing her fierce eyes at them. "The line is unstraight! It's unpleasant in my eyes! Outline it again!"

"They don't care about that, Haruki." Usopp told her, sure that they won't mind how unstraight the line is.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

Usopp's eyes widened. "What?!"

"Just let her do that, Usopp." Zoro said who was sitting on a rock. He was just looking at the scene displayed in front of him. Zoro wanted to relax his body.

The G-5 soldiers did not even snap at Haruki or something for scolding at them. Rather, they were very happy that they finally got her attention. They got very busy at making the black line more straight than ever because it is not pleasant in Haruki's eyes. They wanted to please the swordswoman.

"What's with Haruki-san in there?" Brook questioned who was still busy putting a brick like what Sanji had instructed him a while ago and also Sanji is doing the same thing with Brook.

The G-soldiers stopped from producing a straight line when their Vice Admiral, Smoker, imparted them at something about "making friends with the pirates." and many more to mention. They wanted to thank the Straw Hat Crew for saving their lives, but they cannot tell it sraight to thwir faces verbally.

A navy soldiers should not befriended or ven say thank you to the pirates. As they are the definition of Justice in today's world.

Moving back to the reality, Haruki was already done with instructing the soldiers and more, as she then went towards where Luffy and Brownbeard are.

Zoro's eyes not leaving her. He needs to make sure that Haruki will not disaplear again or he will send him back at Gloom Island once he found her.

"Brownbeard, you're turning yourself in?! We just became friends after all!" Luffy gasped in surprise. Brownbeard had just told him that he'll turn himself to the Navy because that's what his position was before he met Caesar Clown.

"Seems like he has performed poisonous drug experiment on us a little bit. An- " Borwnbeard was about to carry out what he is going to say when Haruki butted in, shouting.

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