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Third's POV

Haruki instantly gave Yonji a harsh glare as if she was thinking of directing him to the underworld and typically feed him to the Cerberus for mocking them. Yonji seems to not give them medicine so they could save Luffy. Instead of giving it to them, he wanted the Straw Hats Crew to rob them some medicines just like how pirates are. Haruki was so irritated by how he views pirates in his way.

It is somewhat true that pirates steal some things, but not all of them do things like that. Yonji is just viewing pirates just like how he heard rumors and kinds of stuff about them.

"Jerk! Bastard! Scoundrel! Idiot!" Haruki cursed lowly as she gripped her hands tight into a fist, glaring fiercely at Yonji, who seems to enjoy Haruki's gaze. Good thing that she keeps her emotions at bay and did not even mind engaging in some real fight right now with Yonji. If only she could steal their effective medicine, but Haruki brushed that thought off when Nami told her not to do that which is somewhat made Haruki surprised along with Brook and the others.

"Wait, Sanji!" Chopper shouted at him when he saw that Yonji was about to leave them.

An irk appeared on Yonji's forehead as soon as he heard the name that it's not even his in the first place. "I'm Yonji!" he shouted back with fierce anger.

"Yonji." a composed voice of a woman was overheard. She was standing behind Yonji with a confident face plastered on her face. "Stop being stingy!" she engaged her way towards Yonji and gave him a direct kick on his face in which Yonji block it with his right arm. Yonji yelped in pain as soon as her foot came in contact with his face, sending pain all over the area where the woman kicks him. Not only that, but the woman manages to kick him off from their ship and send him flying towards the ocean.

Chopper was screaming on the railings while waving his arms in the air and Nami was even surprised by what just happened. Haruki took notice of that and was about to laugh because of how she finds Yonji's reaction funny when he was about to fall on the water, however, she stopped herself when she heard Luffy's small scream and hoarse grunts and how his body was shaking due to the poison on his system.

"Luffy!" Haruki and the others shouted his name as soon as they heard a small shriek that left from Luffy's mouth. All of them went near and Luffy, looking at him really sad with those tearful eyes. Steam came out from Luffy's mouth, making his lips more chapped than ever. His skin was still pale like paper that just came out from a factory, but what was serious are those purple marks all over his body, strikingly resembling that his antibodies cannot fight with those poisons he consumed by eating the fish.

Haruki gave Luffy a soft slap on his chest. "That's for eating the poison fish without even thinking, you idiot!" Haruki cried and bit her lower lips, tasting a bit of blood from there. "Why do you have to an idiot?!" Haruki cried.

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