03-Reunion Part 2

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Haruki's POV

I've been walking and looking for so long on this Island trying my best to find both Perona and Zoro. My feet have been numb from walking. I don't want to rest because every second is relevant. There might be a possibility that my plan will fail therefore might as well see Zoro for the last time right? There's no harm in that. I am actually jealous of Zoro because he can travel anywhere, can fight for his crew, and protect. 

I, on the other hand, am still being protected, rather than me protecting myself. It's actually not bad when someone is protecting you, and I'm actually glad but someone deciding what you are going to do is not okay. I unconditionally love all of them, but it's too much. I want to follow and fulfill what my heart desires. They constantly briefed me to wait and when the exact time comes, it will. I just stopped myself from thinking about that and just continue walking.

Walking. Walking. Walking. Just where is that guy? And where the hell is Perona? Of all times, she's missing in a crucial time? Sighing, I just shrugged my shoulders off and continue walking when I spotted a familiar green-colored hair. But this one seems super weird. Its hair is slightly lighter but still green. Oh well! Zoro possesses a hair that is rare, and this is Sabaody sooo...

"Zoro!" I shouted as I made my way to him, feeling super lucky that I found him right now in this Groove. I went in front of him while both of my eyes are closed. "Where have y---WHO THE HELL ARE YOU, YOU HALF-DEAD IDIOT?!" I stopped myself when I saw this ill-looking guy. He is definitely Zoro! Zoro's body is muscular as for this guy-- it's up to you as to how you will describe this guy. I controlled myself from executing this bastard who happens to be not the Zoro I am looking for. Probably impersonating him because he's too hot--I mean strong and duh he's from the infamous crew--Straw Hats Crew so yeah. 

Back to this bastard, he smirked while looking down at me. An irk appeared in my head when he behaved like that. I wanted to kill this bastard in front of me, but I again stopped myself because Mihawk only agreed to come with them if I behave myself. I've been bugging for one week to agree when I did the only thing--that I also found out that day, I cried in front of him. He actually panicked and tried to soothe me, but he failed so he agreed, and here I am on this Island with Zoro and of course, Perona as well. 

"I heard you called my name. Do you want to accompany me ton---" Before he could finish his sentence I sent him flying, using my Devil Fruit Power. I didn't touch him or something. My power is water. I am able to control anything that is water, except for Sea Water of course. That's too impossible. Anyways, I controlled the water inside his body that resulted in the state he is in right now since 60% of the human adult body is made out of water. 

I failed to recognize his two companions a while ago because I was too excited to meet Zoro again today. Well, it's been more than five days since the last time I saw him. So moving back to this fake Zoro's companions, an old retarded blonde-haired dude, and a man--a lady rather holding a leash of a fox in her left hand. I gave them a sharp glare and their legs began shaking. Pathetic. 

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