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Third's POV

"I'm surprised!" Haruki exclaimed with her eyes wide opened as she then pointed her face, trying to see how pretty shocked she is. "See! I am this surprised! I never knew you knew him, Nekomochimochi!" Haruki told them, causing Nekomamushi to laugh at her, and Zoro sweatdropped at Haruki's actions.

"It's Shanks! Don't tell me you know him, Nekomamushi." Luggy grinned as he and Haruki were both looking at Nekomamushi.

Nekomamushi smirked. "Yes, I know him! "Red-Haired" Shanks, right? I see! No wonder that straw hat looks familiar!" Nekomamushi gave an eye-closed smile and laughed uproariously. He was talking about Shanks and was also shocked that both knew Shanks pretty well.

"Oh, does it?!" Luffy grinned from ear to ear, stopped from walking, and just stared at Nekomamushi's back. Luffy then ran, grabbing Haruki's arm much to Zoro's dismay so both could walk beside Inuarashi, wanting to ask him about Shanks too. When both were already beside Inuarashi, they instantly started bugging him with questions. "Inuarashi said that too! Do you all know Shanks?!" Luffy asked, grinning.

"What a small world! Seems like this is indeed what they all called "fate"! We all were bound together in the first place!" Haruki beamed, showing her pearly white teeth as she stared at the beautiful scenery sky, naturally causing her smile to went wide.

"Yes because both the cat and I were once traveling on Roger's ship." Inuarashi explained eagerly to the both of them, looking down.

Hearing his words, Haruki and Luffy stopped from walking beside him for a few seconds. And when they grasp what he just told, both walked beside Inaurashi once again. But this time, a very surprised look was plastered on both of their faces, shocked by Inuarashi's words about traveling in the Pirate King's ship a long time ago.

"What?!" Haruki and Luffy shouted at the same time while staring at Inuarashi unbelievably.

Luffy then stopped in front of Inuarashi, causing Raizo with Chopper and Momo to stop from walking and stare at Luffy. "Were you guys the Pirate King's crewmembers?!" Luffy asked that made Kinemon, Raizo, and Nekomamushi to look at Luffy because of his question. Not only them but also Usopp and the others who suddenly asked what's going on with Luffy this time and why did he suddenly shout.

"Crewmembers.....Well, you can put it that way too but....." Inuarashi said, looking at the sky while reminiscing his and the other's experience with the Pirate King's crew. All of them then surrounded Luffy and Inuarashi, wanting to know what in the world is happening right now. "......we boarded many ships as Oden-sama's attendants." Inaurashi continued.

"Wait-wait! Many ships?! What do you mean many ships?! You meant to say that not only the Pirate King's ship?! You guys are full of surprises! Go on! Go on! I wanna hear more!" Haruki exclaimed as she stared at Inurashi, surprised by his words. Haruki then gestured to Inuarashi to continue talking while grinning from ear to ear.

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