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The votes and comments I received are always highly appreciated! Thank you, all! :)

I dedicated this to all readers who are still reading this!

If you are a perfectionist, this story is not for you


Warning: Grammar, Language, Profanity, and Violence


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Kinemon talked about a lot of things.

Those times when he saw the greatness in Oden. A time of greatness and freedom. The night of hell. When he and the rest traveled in the future. When there were still samurai who stood next to the late daimyo of Kuri. The time they met one another.

All of their adventures, from Punk Hazard to the Land of Wano.

Last but not least, their alliance.

"We are up against huge armies led by Kaido and Kurozumin Orochi!"

"Their numbers ain't gonna make Haruki-sama tremble in fear." Haruki poked her nose.

She had the guts to flick the thing, a booger, on her finger as it landed on Kinemon's back. Her mouth was shut close and didn't expect that to happen. She and Luffy were the only ones who knew of that since the others were so busy listening to Kinemon.

Hurridly, she cleaned Kinemon's back while acting as if she was doing something innocently nice to him. Kinemon didn't mind at all.

But no one knows.

That's a relief.

Nami gave her a look. "For someone who is strong like you, I'm sure it's not going to be a problem. Unlike me......"

"On the other hand, we have.....The Straw Hats led by Luffy-dono. The Heart Pirates are led by Law-dono. The Mink Tribe- Inuarashi's Musketeers and Nekumamushi's Guardians. And samurai with rebellious minds who we are recruiting now. It is ideal to have five thousand people!" Kinemon gave.

"That's too few." Haruki tilted her head.

Luffy nudged his elbow at her, shutting her up.

"But we are not looking to have a war. We want to collect information on our enemies secretly, Kaido and the others, and prepare a plan to behead their leaders!" a determined Kinemon added.

In a way to lessen the tension after mentioning their allies. To Straw Hats, it wasn't a problem. Pawns are easy to deal with, it's just that their numbers will keep on increasing after defeating one after another.

The problem is how to deal with the enemies' numbers and defeat them successfully.

Chopper was all smiles upon hearing it.

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