Jealous and insecure

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"No, Draco! You're not gonna tell me who can I nd who can I not hang out with!" I shouted at Draco, who visibly got even madder.

"We're married, Y/N!" Draco shouted, and I groaned loudly.

"Yes, I know, Draco! But he's my best friend!" I shouted again, and he glared at me.

"You're spending more time with Weasley than you spend with me!" Draco shouted, and I scoffed.

"Draco! He's my best friend! He lost his twin, his best friend, MY  other best friend! I wanna be there for him! You have no idea what he's going through! I saw you at the funeral, Draco! You were sad too! But imagine what George went through!" I shouted with some tears rolling down my cheeks.

"But you're spending more time with him! Once you even stayed there for the night!... ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?!" Draco shouted, and glared at me even more and I scoffed and glared back.

"Why would I cheat on someone that I love?! Draco, I love you! I'm not a cheater and you know it very well! I just wanna help my best friend by being there for him!" I shouted angrily, and he looked at me, blankly.

"Then go be with him! I love you, Y/N, but if you continue hanging out with Weasley more THAN YOUR OWN HUSBAND...I think we need a break." Draco shouted, and I looked at him with a shocked expression.

"What?" I asked him quietly, and I saw him gulp.

"You heard me. We need a break. I- We're gonna talk about it later. I'm going for a walk." Draco said calmly, which was scary, not gonna lie.

"No! Draco-" I started, and fresh tears ran down my cheeks.

"Yes, Y/N. I'll see you later." Draco said quickly, took his wand and walked out of the house angrily.

"No..." I said quietly and walked to the living room, sat on the couch and started to sob quietly.

"Mom?" I heard a quiet voice behind me and my eyes widened.

How did we forget that Scorpius is in his room down the hall?

Then, I quickly wiped away my tears and turned around to meet with Scorpius' own teary eyes...

Oh no...

"Yes, love?" I asked quietly with a sad smile, and he sat down on my lap, hugged me tightly and cried onto my shoulder.

"P-Please don't get a divorce with dad, mom." Scorpius whispered and cried harder, which made me cry even more.

"We won't, love. I promise." I whispered to him and he hugged me tighter.

"I-I know dad loves you very much...and you love him. B-But dad sucks at showing it, sometimes. *I chuckled* He's just insecure...and thinks that he's not good enough for you. He told me this himself...and he also said that he thinks that you'd be happier with uncle George." Scorpius said, sadly, and I smiled sadly at him.

"It's going to be okay, love. I promise. Me and Draco...we just need to talk. We won't get a divorce. He's the love of my life...I won't just throw him away like that. I love him...more than anything. Besides you, of course." I said and kissed Scorpius' nose, which made him chuckle.

Then, he yawned and I chuckled.

"Let's take a little nap, Scorp. Wait here. I'll go and find a blanket, ok?" I asked him, he nodded and then I walked to Scorpius' room, where we had a big fluffy blanket.

I took it and walked back to the living room, where Scorpius was sitting. When he heard me he looked up, smiled and then waited for me. When I made it to him I laid down on the couch, he came close to me, hugged my chest with a little smile on his face and eventually we both fell asleep with a warm blanket around us.

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