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Kind of sad, but also kind of happy...

You see Yule Ball is coming in 2 months...

I kind of want this to happen, but at the same time I don't want it to happen, because no one is gonna ask me anyway.

Right now I'm in Potions, I'm good at it, but not as good as Hermione or Malfoy...that git. Why do I even like him? WHY?!

"So Y/N/N are you ready for Yule Ball?" Hermione whispered to me excitedly.

"Nope. Probably not even coming, you know that no one is gonna ask me. Plus I don't feel comfortable in dresses, and you know that he is never gonna ask me. So no, and please stop it." I said sighing dramatically. Hermione chuckled, I looked up at her confusedly.

"Why are you so-" Hermione was cut off by prof. McGonagall who entered Potions classroom, the whole class turned to her. Even the Slytherins.

"Yes? Prof. McGonagall?" Snape asked with his creepy voice, while raising an eyebrow.

"Can I borrow Ms. Y/L/N?" She asked looking at Snape, and then at me.

"Alright. Go!" Snape said, I quickly stood up, and followed her. The whole class still looked confusedly at me. 

"I hope you're in trouble." I heard Malfoy say with his usual evil smirk, when I walked past his table. I turned around...

"Shut up, Blondie." I said angrily, but I saw Hermione smiling at me. I walked out of the classroom.

"Is there something wrong, prof. McGonagall?" I asked her nervously.

"Oh no, dear. Dumbledore wants to tell you something." She said smiling.

"Oh...ok." I said, and we walked to Dumbledore's office.

*Dumbledore's office*

"Albus! We're here!" McGonagall shouted, Albus quickly came down the stairs smiling, and walked to his table.

"I know. Now... Y/N I wanna ask you something." Dumbledore said smiling.

"Ok. Ask." I said smiling, but being a little nervous.

"Don't be nervous. Now I know you're a good singer, I wanna know if you could sing a song at the Yule Ball? You don't have to, but I've heard you singing that one and only song every time I see you. That muggle song. So what do you think?" Dumbledore asked me, with a little smile.

"I-yeah-umm-yeah sure." I said, being a stuttering mess. This made him, and prof. McGonagall chuckle.

"Very well then. Yule Ball is in 3 weeks, you gotta practise can go now. Oh and I'm sorry that you don't feel comfortable with dresses. But this time you have to." Dumbledore said. I nodded with a little smile, and walked out.

When I ended up finally down the stairs I felt hands dragging me away. If these are those two chickens I will kill them in their sleep I swear.

These humans dragged me to some empty corridor, I could finally turn around, and like I said...these were those 2 chickens.

"What?!" I asked when I finally looked at them.

"Why were you in Dumbledore's office? What did you do now? Are you in trouble? By the way who is gonna ask you the Yule Ball? We want to know!" They asked both different questions, but the last sentence they said in unison.

"Stop. Too many questions. Anyway umm...yeah kind of trouble. I have to sing in the Yule Ball. I'm scared. Because Dumbledore wants me to sing that muggle song I love. Nothing more, I promise. And no one is gonna ask me to the Yule Ball, and you know it. And don't you dare to argue with me now!" I told them glaring.

"Are you serious? Seriously you're gonna sing that song? We love it when you sing that. So don't blame me when I'm gonna cry, because it's a sad song, and you sing it perfectly." George said happily, Fred nodded.

"He's telling the truth for once. Anyway I don't think so. I mean that no one is gonna ask you to the Yule Ball." Freddie said.

"Yeah and that's a lie, Freddie." I told him with a glare, which lasted for 3 seconds. Because I can't be mad at them.

"Let's go to eat. We have lunch, I can tell." I told the, their faces lit up, and they nodded.

When we finally arrived to Gryffindor table the Golden Trio quickly looked up. I sat down in front of Hermione, and the twins in front of Harry and Ron.

"Now Y/N explain what exactly did you do?!" Hermione told me, with a little glare.

"I'm in trouble.*Golden Trio looked at me with wide-eyes* I have to sing at the Yule Ball." I said slowly.

"What?!Really?!" Ron and Harry said, I nodded.

"What song?!" Hermione asked excitedly.

"Trust me you know what song." I told her with a little smirk.

"That 'lovely' song you love so much? The one I told you to listen?!" Hermione asked excitedly.

"Yep." I told her.

"Oh my god. I love how you sing it. I can't wait anymore." Hermione said getting more excited by any second.

"Calm down, Hermione. You gotta wait a little. And I just have to practise." I told her, and started to eat.

"Y/N don't turn around, ok?" Ron asked me, I rolled my eyes and turned around anyway.

"So are you in trouble, Y/L/N?" Malfoy asked me smirking.

"Actually yes, no thanks to you." I told him with a sarcastic smile.

"Is that so? What did you do now?" He asked me again. Why is he asking?!

"You'll find out soon." I told him, and smirked. He looked confused now.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked, the Golden Trio looked still confused. Because of me talking to Malfoy, we hate each other mostly so...

"Trust me you'll see. And by the way you're gonna hate me even more when you find out what I'm about to do." I told him, and turned around again.

Draco's POV

I've never hated you...

Draco Malfoy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now