Mind reading

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I'm gonna get killed by my twin brother after that...I think. You see my twin brother is Harry Potter, yes, the boy who lived. We have DADA in our first day of school and we have 2 days until that and I want to read his mind, because it's gonna be funny. And besides he deserves to be confused and shocked. He's mean to me, because I'm too friendly with the Weasley twins. I mean he's friends with the too, but we prank together...too much. And get into troubles. 

Trust me, I know he's gonna be mad, because I've been trapped with this dude for 15 years. You may think 'Oh he doesn't sound that bad', but he is. very. very. annoying.

Right now we're in the Order of the Phoenix with the Weasleys and Lupin and Tonks and Moody and of course Sirius. We just had a dinner and were about to walk up the stairs to our rooms, to get some sleep, because we had to go to Hogwarts tomorrow.

"Twins! I need to ask you something...can you come to my room, please?" I asked them in the corridor, they looked confused, but then followed me to my room. We sat on my bed, I, between them tho.

"Is there a problem, Y/N/N?" George asked me.

"It's just...I don't think your mother likes me very much. I mean...she loves Harry, but she's never like that with me." I said sadly and rested my head on Freddie's shoulder, who put his hand around me carefully, he's like a big brother to me. I mean I truly love Harry, but sometimes I'm not such a fan of his attitude and then the twins are always there for me.

"Why would you think such a thing?" Freddie asked me confusedly, I closed my eyes and hugged him.

"She always smiles when she sees Harry, but she never does when she sees me. She's like a mother to me, because my-my mother isn't alive anymore. I've never had a mother who loves me, I really thought Mrs. Weasley can be the one, but n-no. She loves Harry." I said and hugged Freddie tighter and felt some tears running down my cheeks, suddenly I got tired and I think I fell asleep on Freddie's shoulder.

Fred's POV

"She always smiles  when she sees Harry, but she never does when she sees me. She's like a mother to me, because my-my mother isn't alive anymore. I've never had a mother who loves me, I really thought Mrs. Weasley can be the one, but n-no. She loves Harry." Y/N/N explained to us, hugged me tighter and she cried. But then out of nowhere she was asleep.

Both me and Georgie looked at each other sadly and then back at her sleeping figure.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked while looking at Georgie who looked sad.

"I don't know. I don't want to see her so sad, she's too sweet to cry. I'll bring mother here, we should talk about it." Georgie said, I nodded sighing and then he quickly went out.

"What's wrong, George? Why are we going to Y/N's room?" Mother asked George and then they both came in.

"What happened with her?" She asked and looked at Y/N.

"George...maybe you're gonna tell." I said awkwardly, mother looked confused and sat down and then George sighed.

"So the thing is that Y/N wanted to talk to us and then she was all sad.  She was sad, because she thought that you've never loved her as much you love Harry. She said that she thought and wanted you to be her so called mother, but no, because you love Harry more. Then she cried and well the next what happened is that she was asleep on Freddie's shoulder." George said awkwardly and mother had some tears in her eyes.

"Oh god. The only family she and Harry have is basically Sirius and us. I loved Harry, but I never paid that much attention to her. I love them both like both of you. How am I gonna make it up to her?" Mother asked and cried  a bit. George sat down next to her and hugged mother.

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