I really thought Slytherins are fearless

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You know what?  Being Hermione Granger's sister isn't easy. I mean she's good at everything and all...But the problem is that we're so different. Yeah, both of us are in Gryffindor, but she sometimes says that I should still have sorted into Slytherin. Crazy, right? The difference between us is that I break the rules...all the time. Well mostly when I'm wth the Weasley twins. She actually wanted to hex the three of us into the next century when she found out that the three of us had detention again. Whoops? What can I say? It's fun to prank Filch or Snape or even Dumbledore sometimes. Dumbledore takes those pranks well, but Snape...oh bloody hell. He's a meanie. He always gets mad, but I've seen him crack a smile when we prank Filch or Dumbledore. I'm not going mad, I promise. I think. Right now...the twins and I are basically going to die. We had a detention again,  because we pranked Cho. I know Harry likes her, but I ship him with Ginny, even the twins do. All we did was that we  scared her a bit and then we replaced her wand with a fake one and put a spell on it that when she touched it...it will start to scream at her with professor Snape's voice. We thought it was funny, don't blame only me. The problem is that we got caught by the one and only professor...McGonagall. She was furious.  If looks could kill then the three of us would be dead already by now.

"I'm sorry, 'Mione. It won't happen again, I swear." I said looking down with Fred and George when we entered the common room and was met with the Golden Trio...Harry was laughing quietly, Ron was grinning and Hermione...like always was one angry woman.

"You guys are gonna get killed my Mrs. Weasley or professor Snape if you won't stop doing that. Umbridge is gonna be mad, even when she doesn't like Cho...she is gonna murder you. Basically you prank her and you'll be dead." Hermione said angrily.

"We're sorry." The three of us said quietly and looked down.

"Hermione don't get angry at her, I bet on it that these  two have made her do these pranks with them." Ron said, the twins put their hand on their hearts like 'ouch, that hurt, brother'. I giggled with Harry. Hermione sighed and rolled her eyes.

"He's right, Hermione. Dinner is starting soon anyway. Let's go." Harry said, I sighed in relief. Harry saved us. Thank Merlin.

"Fine, let's go to the Great Hall." Hermione said in defeat.

"Freddie! Georgie!" I said when we walked out of the common room.

"Yes?" They asked in unison.

"Who's gonna carry me to the Great Hall?" I asked them with an innocent smile.

"I will, now come here little one." George said smiling, I giggled and basically jumped on his back. He groaned jokingly.

"Wait...I'm not little, you're just too tall." I said quietly which made the others burst out laughing.

"Yeah, right, Y/N/N." Hermione said.

"I can't even deal with you all now." I said whining. Then laughed out of nowhere and loudly.

"Y/N keep it down or-" Hermione hissed, but she was cut off by another voice.

"Ms. Granger. Come here, right  now!" Umbridge shouted, I jumped down from George's back and looked at her with wide eyes.

"Hell to the no no no." I said and looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"Yes you will or there will be a 3 hours worth detention." Umbridge said angrily. What did I do now?!

"No." I said back angrily, but she got  very mad and then she pulled out her wand and pointed it towards me.

"MS. GRANGER!!!" She yelled, I looked at with a little fear, but I also wanted to laugh, because she looked funny. I shouldn't laugh now...

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