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Freaking McLaggen! I should have listened to the trio...and Draco. They all said he's a player! But did I listen? No! Because I was blinded by love.

I'm 15! I should have some sense in my mind by now! Right?

Well...everything happens for a reason, I guess.

What am I doing now? Crying on the 7th floor, because he cheated on me, and...hopefully, no one finds me. I don't wanna seem pathetic in front of my friends. Yet, I can't even cry in peace...someone did find me.

"Y/N/N? What's wrong?" I heard two voices asking me. Oh god...the twins.

"Huh? Nothing. I'm fine." I said, trying to sound happy, and looked at the ground in front of me.

"You can talk to know. Who hurt you?" George asked, and then both of them sat down on either side of me.

"I'm fine, guys, but thanks for...caring." I said quietly and still looked at the floor, so they wouldn't see my red puffy eyes.

"Y/N/N...we know you enough. Who hurt you?" Fred asked, and I wiped away the tears on my cheeks.

"McLaggen." I whispered, and then sobbed again, and both of them hugged me with a sad sigh.

"What did he do?" They asked in unison, and I chuckled dryly.

"H-He cheated on me. But that's what I get, right? You all said he's a player, but I didn't listen, because I was blinded by something stupid thing called love. Why was I so stupid? Am I that bad? T-That I'm worth...being cheated on. Did I-" I asked and cried a little, but both of them cut me off.

"That little rotten eggnog! Freaking dimwit! I'll kill him. H-How dare he?" Freddie asked angrily, and I smiled slightly.

"How dare he hurt you? And...Y/N/N, you're our little happy are worth so much more than this idiot. He didn't know how to treat you right! You're not stupid for loving someone. It' And everything happens for a reason. He wasn't worth your time. Just know that we're always going to be there for you. No matter what." George said, and I smiled a little again and hugged him tightly.

"Don't just tell the trio...and Draco, yet. I know they're my best friends, but...I don't want them to come to me and say 'I told you so' or something like that. And...thanks, guys! It means a lot." I said and hugged both of them tightly.

They both smiled and then stood up and looked down at me and I smiled at them when they both offered a hand for me. I chuckled, grabbed their hands and stood up.

"He doesn't deserve your tears. And we won't tell them...until you want us to tell them. We promise." George said, Fred nodded and I smiled at them.

"You guys are amazing." I said quietly, and they both chuckled. George then picked me up and I chuckled, which made Fred laugh too.

"That's the smile we love. Let's go now. It's lunch soon." Fred said and I squealed, they both laughed quietly and then George carried me to the Great Hall.

My best friend is strong...what the heck? Oh, yeah, they're Beaters in Quidditch after all. 

"You're my servant now, Georgie." I said, smirking and he scoffed jokingly.

"Dream about it." George said, chuckling, and put me down on the floor when we made it to the Great Hall and went to the Gryffindor table.

"Hey, guys!" Me and the twins said in unison and sat down in front of the trio, who looked at us suspiciously.

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