She's a mudblood?!

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Well my name is Y/N Granger, yes I'm a sister to the well known Hermione Granger. And yes I'm a muggle-born, but no one knows about my blood type or last name besides my friends including Hermione of course, Harry, Ron, Luna, Neville, Ginny and my two favourites... the Weasley twins. We do many pranks together, but they don't always end happily, because we have a detention and uuh... Hermione would yell at me for doing pranks with them. The twins always protect me tho. As you realized I'm in Gryffindor, but the fun fact is that all these Slytherin gits think I should rather be in Slytherin because of my attitude. Well sorry that I'm saying thing right away when I think it's the right thing to do.

Well here we are eating breakfast in Great Hall again, like every day.

"Y/N did you do your Potions homework?" Ron asked me quietly, because he didn't want to ask Hermione again. But right when I was about to say 'yes' someone hit Ron's head with his or her book. It made me giggle, but then we turned around and saw professor Snape glaring at Ron.

"Do not copy others homework ever again or I will give you detention for the rest of the year! Now eat, because your first lesson is with me." Snape said glaring at Ron and giving him his evil smirk and then he turned to me...and smiled a little. Wait what? Did Snape-the most feared teacher just smiled at me?!

"Y/N! What just happened? Did Snape just smiled at you?!" Harry asked me shocked.

"I asked the same question in my mind, don't read my mind Harry!* started to laugh with Harry and the others*, but seriously that's a good question, because I didn't do anything." I said awkwardly.

"This is really weird. Maybe you got A+ on your Potions essay? No that can't be it, you always get A+ on his class. Which is basically impossible, because all the others get C or a D, besides me of course." Hermione said and we all nodded and went back to eating.

Draco's POV (Something new right haha)

We were eating our breakfast, talking about all these disgusting Gryffindors. 

"You know what guys? I wish Snape could destroy all these Gryffindors. I mean-" I told Crabbe, Goyle and Zabini.

"Draco, my mate. You do know that he's already doing it, right? I mean he just hit Weasley on the head with his book and then smiled at that cool girl Y/N." Zabini explained. Wait how did I miss this? Wait he smiled at Y/N?!

"Wait what? He smiled at Y/N?" I asked Zabini and he nodded smirking and then of course these two idiots Crabbe and Goyle nodded in agreement with him.

"Have you guys ever talked to her?" I asked them curiously.

"Yeah,couple of times. She's actually very cool, I even told her that she should be in Slytherin instead, but sadly she can't." Zabini said to me, I nodded.

"Oh,ok. She's kinda cute tho. Even if she's in Gryffindor..." I told them.

"True." The three of them said in unison.

"Wait. Do you have a crush on her?" Zabini asked me with wide-eyes. I looked at him confusedly.

"N-no! Never. She's a Gryffindor." I said quickly.

Blaise's POV

"Wait. Do you have a crush on her?" I asked Draco with wide-eyes, but he quickly answered.

"N-no! Never. She's a Gryffindor." He said, I sighed and nodded.

Well basically the whole school knows that she has a little crush on him, but thank god Draco doesn't know about this. I mean yeah she's really cool and all that, but Draco hates muggle-borns. Yes I do know that she's muggle-born and she's Granger's sister. I won't explain how...

I hope Draco isn't gonna say something bad about muggle-borns in front of her... you see she and her sister made a deal that no one is gonna say her last name, because Granger didn't want Draco to bully her or something like that. 

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