Is this a Christmas miracle?! (part 2)

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"I'm really sorry, I didn't want to tell him that, for real. I was just so focused on talking to Hermione." Blaise explained.

"If you think I'm mad at you, then I'm not. I was just he fainted after this? It's scary. What if he hadn't eat at all, for the whole day, and then you came with all this stuff...told him all that, and then he wasn't able know, like process all this, and then he fainted? What if there's something wrong with his health?" I asked them, and then looked back at Draco.

"I'm-" Hermione started to say, but she got cut off...


"Will you all stop talking about me? Why are you so worried?" Draco asked, looking at the three of us with a very confused face.

"Sorry for being worried about you, even tho you don't care about anyone!" I said, glaring a bit, because he deserved it.

"I actually care about people, if you didn't know that! I even care about you! I fainted, because I was confused, I didn't understand why would you  want to be friends with me. And I was confused...why were Blaise and Hermione talking to each other. And I haven't eaten at all today. I know I should have eaten, but I didn't want to. And then the chat...I wasn't able to process it all, and because of all this I probably fainted." Draco explained to us, very quickly may I add.

"Oh..." Was all what Hermione said, and then she walked away to get a chair to sit on.

"'re not mad at me for being such a bitch and telling you all this?" Blaise asked him with a little bit worried face. Draco looked at him confusedly.

"No? I mean I always wanted to be friends with Y/N so...yeah, I'm not mad at you. I was actually happy when you told me this, well I still am. " Draco said, and then looked at me with a little blush on his face and a little smile.

"That's good. So...let's be friends, Draco." I said excitedly. He nodded happily, and then...

"We'll leave you two alone then, for now. To get to know each other better, you know." Hermione said, standing up with Blaise and walking to the door.

"Yeah, and no funny business guys. Ok that sounds know what, never mind. Bye!" Blaise said, and ran out of the hospital wing.

So after 1,5h of getting to know each other we had dinner time, and Draco was able to get out, so we walked to the Great Hall together.

"Now will go, and eat. A lot! Because if you won't do it...I will kick your arse. Trust me, you wouldn't want me to do that." I said to him, he chuckled and nodded.

"Fine, mom. " Draco said, and started to chuckle even more.

"Oh my god, Draco. Go! Or I will tell madam Pomfrey that you didn't eat at all, and trust me she won't like it." I said with a stern face. His eyes went wide, he nodded quickly, and ran to his table. Which made me chuckle, and walk to my own table.

"'s Draco?" Hermione asked me with a smile.

"He's good now, madam Pomfrey just told him to eat a lot tonight." I told her, and she nodded.

"So you guys are friends now?" Ron asked, with a smirk on his face.

"No smirky face! But yeah, we are friends now. Weird, I know." I said laughing, and he nodded smiling.

"Just for you to know...If he hurts you, I promise I will hex him, for real." Harry said, and side hugged me, since he was sitting next to me.

"Oh my god's Christmas!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, and the whole room went silent.

"Yay!" The trio yelled, and so did all the others. Then I got an idea...

I stood up, and went to stand on the table, so everyone would hear it.

"So...there's a story I need to tell you all. Basically I had this weird dream f mine, to get to know the real Draco Malfoy, and I actually did, through Blaise. He talked to  me about him, what annoys him and etc. And I've always wanted to friends with him, but I never got a chance, cuz he was an asshole towards me, and basically to everyone else in this room, I'm sorry Draco, but it's the truth. Anyway...the thing is, that today I finally got this chance, and I am literally so happy. I have a new friend, and it's no other that Draco Malfoy himself. That's basically all I wanted to say. Well of I hope you guys , all of you, will have the greatest holidays with your friends and family, believe in your dreams, and one day they will come true. Trust me. HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!" I yelled in the end, and went back down, the whole room clapped, and hugged their friends. This sight made me happy, life is a miracle, and so are these Christmas's. 

All went well after all.


So basically guys please don't attack me lol. I took this huge ass pause of writing, but I had so little free time with my friends, and I had a lots of problems in home and school. And now like 5 days ago I went to London, where I actually went to Harry Potter studio tour, and I'm pretty sure I felt like I was in home then. I'm really sorry, I hope y'all forgive me, I'll try to come up with some new ideas, but it's hard. 

So...if you guys have any ideas then you can write to me, and I'll think about it. :) 


(Also what the bloody hell...7,63k readers guys...oml I love y'all so freaking much.)

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