Piss off, Parkinson!

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Well, well, well...what can I say? Life's crazy. Ah! I should tell you something. Before...everything. I'm Y/N Mikaelson. I ended up in Hogwarts, 'cause I'm daughter to the oh so famous Kol Mikaelson. I'm half-blood, just saying. Makes sense though, right? Well...right now I'm on the Hogwarts Express with my best friends. The Golden Trio of course. Kind of obvious, isn't it? It's our 6th year. Not really excited to be really honest. Why? Because something feels really off and I don't know why. 

"Y/N, help!" Hermione said, which made me come back to reality.

"With what?" I asked her confusedly, which made her sigh, but then she smiled.

"Harry has gone mental. He really thinks that Malfoy is a d-death eater." Ron explained and gulped at the end.

"Maybe you can tell him that he's losing his mind. Why would the Dark Lord need a 16 year old?" Hermione explained quickly and I nodded.

"This is suspicious. Admit it, Y/N." Harry said and looked at me with pleading eyes.

"I mean...Harry's right about one thing. It is kind of suspicious. BUT...I don't think he's a death eater, Harry." I said after thinking for a minute, he nodded and then sighed quietly.

"I need some air...see you later guys." Harry said, taking his invisibility cloak, something he bought form the twins shop and then walked out of our compartment. Then Hermione and Ron turned to me.

"What?" I asked confusedly.

"He's gonna try to find out something, isn't he?" Ron asked with a sigh.

"Probably. What do you think about this whole death eater stuff, Y/N?" Hermione asked and sat down in front of me.

"Knowing Harry...yes. He's gonna try to find out something. And the death eater stuff...I have a bad theory." I explained with a sigh.

"Tell us the theory, Y/N." Ron said and Hermione nodded.

"Well...Hermione asked us 'why would the Dark Lord need a 16 year old?' and I've got a thought. What if the Dark Lord wants him to do something...in school. Think about it! O-Or what if...he's a death eater just because the Dark Lord wanted to punish his father?" I explained and they nodded.

"You might be right, but don't tell Harry, yet, because he might do something stupid with this information." Ron said, which made both me and Hermione nodding.

"Yes. What do you mean though? About the punishing part, I mean." Hermione asked me and I took a quick breath before answering.

"I mean...his father was sent to Azkaban last year. Because we told the Ministry about him being there. Admit it...the Dark Lord would turn Draco into a death eater just because Lucius got caught and he was mad at him." I explained and they nodded.

"The fact that you might be right is scaring me. Honestly. How are you not in Ravenclaw? You're smart, just like Hermione." Ron said and the three of us chuckled quietly.

"I'm not in Ravenclaw because I'm rather brave, thanks to my father, than smart. Same goes for Hermione, but she's equally brave and smart." I explained and Hermione smiled at me brightly.

"Thank you, Y/N/N." Hermione said quietly and still smiled at me, which I gladly returned. 

"Okay, true, but we should talk about something else." Ron suggested and both me and Hermione nodded.

"Makes sense. We should. But what should we talk about?" I asked the two of them, they shrugged and then I thought or a minute before smiling evilly at Ron.

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