New student?!

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You know being a new student in Hogwarts is not fun, especially when you're from  another country and you don't know anyone from there apart from one person. Didn't mention that I'm a half-blood too, and I'm starting 5th year in Hogwarts. It's basically the middle, I guess? 

Oh right...the only person I know from Hogwarts is Hermione Granger and how do I know her? It's basically like...some kind of professor McGonagall wrote me letter, that a muggle-born girl named Hermione Granger will contact me somehow and she told me that she's a good person. She also told me that Hermione will tell me anything about this school and those students too.

Now here I am...waiting to meet this  girl named Hermione Granger next to the oh so famous Hogwarts Express. This. Looks. So. Cool. To be honest I'm pretty nervous. I don't know how she might look like, but she knows how do I look. That's creepy, because what if-

"Hey, are you Y/N Y/L/N? The new student?" A girl tapped on my shoulder before saying any of it. I jumped a bit, she scared me.

"Sorry. I didn't want to scare you." She said being embarrassed.

"I-It's ok. I'm just nervous and yeah, yeah I am, but how do you know my name?"  I asked her confusedly and she started to smile brightly.

"I'm Hermione Granger. It's so nice to finally meet you! I've waited for this moment for so long!" She said happily. I started to smile to and then we hugged each other.

We talked a bit until someone coughed behind us, we both turned around.

"Sorry to be rude, but who the hell are you?!" A boy with a ginger hair said.

"Don't be so rude, Ronald!" Hermione said angrily at him.

"Are you that new student who Hermione talked about the whole summer?" A boy with round glasses asked me with a calm voice and a little smile on his face.

"I-I'm Y/N Y/L/N. And yeah, I am a new student." I said shily.

"Oh my! Is this Y/N Y/L/N? You're even more beautiful in real life!" A woman with a also a ginger hair said smiling ang hugged me. She seems like such a good mother. 

"Are you the Weasley family? Because-" I started to ask, but two voices cut me off.

"Yep. Absolutely." One of them said.

"You seem like a fun person. Even tho we've seen you for like 2 minutes. Besides don't listen to our little brother, he's stupid. Just don't mind him, he's always being rude." The other said and we all started to laugh together.

"Oh dear! Let's go now, kids! Or you're gonna miss the train!" That kind woman said and we all ran to the train. We all sat down together and then they started to ask me questions.

"Now...Y/N do you like pranks? I mean we wanted Hermione to ask you, but she rejected us. We even tried to hack on did she call it? Laptop? Yeah, that's the word. We truly tried, but nothing happened. Now please answer this." One of them said.

"How dare you ask me this? I love pranks! I've liked them since I was born, trust me." I said and they smiled happily.

"Don't trust them. They're pure idiots. They are just casually arseholes. You can never trust them. Rather hang out with us, the good dudes." That ginger boy named Ronald said.

"Us? Idiots? We were born to be geniuses. Accept this." Twins said together.

"That's so cool. You guys can say the exact same words at the same time." I said being amazed.

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