This gonna be a trouble...

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I don't understand why my sister hates me. I mean we're sisters after all. We're both in Slytherin, like it's supposed to be. She got angry at me when I told the truth about her to her crush, Draco Malfoy. I mean he's kinda cute, but Pansy is too...way too obsessed with him. But when I told him that... he laughed, and after that Pansy didn't talk to me for 2 days. Which is long for us. Vey long. She's not mad at me because I'm friends with the Golden Trio tho. I'm pretty much friends with everyone.

But now...

Right now I'm walking to the Great Hall to eat our breakfast with my friends Lucas, Hannah, Mary, even Pansy was with us. Oh and Blaise, because he came too early. I didn't even tell you that it's our 4th year, and I came to this school this year. Because I studied in other school... but this year Pansy wanted me to come to Hogwarts so here I am. 


"I am way too tired for this..." I groaned as I rest my head on Blaise's shoulder. They all chuckled, but then Pansy started to look around...

"You ok, Pansy?" I asked her with a serious face.

"Yeah, just waiting for Dracy-poo." Pansy said, and sighed. I just rolled my eyes, and thank go she didn't see this, because she would have killed me right away.

And then I don't know why, but Hannah, and Lucas started to smirk.

"Why are you guys smirking?" I asked them confusedly.

"What do you think about Draco?" Hannah asked me, smirking again.

"Umm... I mean he's kinda cute. I like his hair, it looks kinda fluffy. I even had an idea to steal one of his hoodies. He's a bad boy, and I like it." I said, Hannah looked at me with her mouth was open, and Lucas' eyes were wide. What did I do?!

"What?!" I asked them, laughing.

"You-do-do you wanna look behind you?" Lucas asked me stuttering. I looked at him confusedly.

"Why?Is there someone behind me?" I asked him with worried face.

" pretty much like me, huh?" Someone asked behind me. Wait I know this can't's Draco...oh no.

Then I turned around to face him, and he had his usual smirk on his face.

"Is that bad? Pretty much every girl in this school likes you, because of your attractive looks." I told him, and winked.

He then sat down next to me.

"Oh trust me, Y/N, I know." He said, but didn't look at me, just smirked.

"Wow. You didn't call me by my last name!" I said and punched his arm jokingly, Pansy looked jealous tho. What did I do?!

"I don't call people by their last names who have the same last name as I do." He said winking.

"W-what do you mean, Draco?" I asked him confusedly, but stuttering.

"Oh trust me one day your last name will be Malfoy." He said again, I looked at his face.

"Is that so?" I asked him smirking, and sitting closer to him, even when I was basically trapped between Blaise, and him.

"Oh yes." He whispered to my ear.

I just shook my head smiling, and went back to eating.

But then I felt someone's hand on my thigh, I jumped for a second. All of my friends looked at me confusedly or laughed a bit. And one of the 'laughing' friend was Draco. I looked at him , and saw that his hand was on my thigh.

"Draco!" I whispered to him through gritted teeth.

"What?" He asked me innocently. I swear I will kill this boy one day.

"You do know what I mean!" I said to him again. He just smiled innocently.

I really wanted to punch him, but instead of that I grabbed a green apple and started to eat that, and then Draco squeezed my leg a bit.

"Just admit that you like me." Draco whispered close to my ear. I closed my eyes, because I didn't want to yell at him...

"Fine. Yes. But I'm not obsessed of you." I told him angrily.

"Guys, Don't flirt so much! And we gotta go to Potions anyway." Pansy told us, I quickly turned to her, and then stood up.


I was talking to Hermione when Snape came to the class out of nowhere, and looked around the class.

" Now now... Y/N tell a number 1-10." Snape said looked at me.

"Umm...8?" I told him confusedly, he nodded, and started to fine me a partner I guess...

"6...7...8. Mr. Malfoy. Come sit next to Y/N, please!" Snape said, I put my head on the table... why is it always me?... And then he came...

"Y/N?" Draco asked, I rolled my eyes and then looked at him.

"What?" I asked him.

"Are you still mad because know?" Draco asked looking at be honest no...

"No. You just...ughhh." I said, he chuckled.

"So you enjoyed it?" He asked whispering very close to my ear.

"K-Kinda." I said, and blushed. I looked at him for a second, and saw him smirk again.

After Potions was over I wanted to walk around school for a little, because I had a free period...

"Y/N!" I heard someone again, and guess what... it was him again.

"Hmh?" I asked as I turned around, but then I was cut off with a kiss. He kissed me. After some seconds of realizing what was going on I kissed him back. We kissed for as long as we could, and then...

"What the hell?!" We heard Pansy yelling behind us, That can't be good...

Let's just say that after 2 weeks me and Draco were in relationship, at first Pansy wasn't fan of it, but after some time she accepted this.

Anddddd... after 6 years Draco and I married. Pansy found herself her real dream guy Thomas, even they got married 2 years ago.

So Draco was right when he said "Oh trust me one day your last name will be Malfoy."...

Life is amazing.

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