What a dumb idea...

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Having a crush on someone who definitely hates you is not fun. I'm serious. He bullies me and my best friends. Well...he basically bullies the whole school, not his friends of course, but you get my point, right? Anyway yeah...my crush is Draco, Draco Malfoy and blah blah blah. You're probably thinking 'Why would you hate it, if you have a crush on him?'. The reason is very simple. It's just that many girls like him. He loves this attention from girls. He never really cares about a girl feelings, but  I hope that one day he'll understand how many hearts he has broken...Anyway...he would never like me, because...well I think that I look like an old and almost dying potato. But my friends don't think so. We argue because of this on daily basis. Awful, right? You see-

"Y/N! Lesson starts in 3 minutes, come on. Move!" Hermione shouted at me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh god..." I said and we ran to our classroom...We had DADA...with Umbridge.

"You're late, Ms. Granger and Ms. Allen." Umbridge said with a satisfying smile on her face. We sat down on our seats and I sighed.

"Do you want to say something, Ms. Allen?" She asked me again.

"I would, but what would it matter anyway?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow.

"Why were you late to class?" Umbridge asked me again.

"Isn't that obvious? I just didn't want to come here, simple, right? You hate me, I hate you-" I was about to continue, but the whole class chuckled at my answer and Umbridge cut me off...

"Do you want detention?" She asked me angrily, cut she sounded very mad.

"No, but you're probably giving it to me." I said sighing angrily.

"I won't, if you're gonna be quiet for the whole lesson!" She said. Is she ok? She's always angry at me, and now...she didn't give me detention...wow.

"Ok." I said again sighing and then rested my head on the table.

I wasn't listening to Umbridge for the whole lesson, because I was sitting next to Harry and we wrote to each other, and apparently behind us sat Draco and Blaise...I don't like this...

'Y/N what would be your reaction, if I would tell you, that I know who's your crush?...'  Harry wrote to me, my eyes grew white and I gulped.

'I would die?!'  I wrote back to Harry, he chuckled and then he again wrote something...

'It's Malfoy who you like, right?'  He wrote, I turned to him with wide eyes. I started to write again with my shaking hand...

'yes...But how in the bloody hell do you know that?!'  I wrote back to him.

'I can see that. And I'm not the only one who thinks that you like him. And I think he likes you too, because he's been looking at you for the whole time when you entered.'  Harry wrote to me with a little smirk on his face. He passed it to me, I looked at it and then back at him.

"You're an asshole, you know that, right?" I whispered to him, he chuckled quietly and then I began to write back to him...

'Who think so then? Besides you, I mean.'  I wrote to him, and passed it to him slowly.

Harry gulped for a second, and then started to write again...

'Ron, Hermione, Ginny, the twins, Neville, Dean and even Zabini, who's your other best friend besides us.'  Harry wrote slowly and then passed it to me with his hands shaking.

Draco Malfoy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now