Why him? (part 2)

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"Where's Diggory?" Malfoy asked angrily.

"Which one?" Hermione asked slowly which made Malfoy roll his eyes.

"The young one of course." He said sighing. I made it to them and stood next to Hermione.

"Why do you want to know where she is?" I asked looking at him. He looked at Hermione and Ron for a second and then turned to me and opened his mouth to say something...


"I just want to know. I saw her running away from her spot when you were done dealing with that dragon." He explained surprisingly calmly. Did he hit his head or something? He's being weird. 

"She's trying to calm down the dragons in Forbidden Forest." Hermione said sighing. Malfoy nodded at her and then left.

"What the hell was that?" I asked them confusedly.

"So...we might have a theory that Malfoy, yes, that git, likes Y/N/N. And Y/N likes him too probably. That's just a theory tho." Hermione explained to me while looking at Ron sometimes.

"Oh...wait what? He actually cares about someone?" I asked in disbelief.

"Harry! That's mean." Hermione said chuckling and then hit my shoulder lightly. I chuckled too.

"I know, but still. You get my point. Let's go back to Gryffindor common room, Y/N will be there soon...probably." I said, they both nodded and we went to the common room while talking a bit.

*Huge time skip and Y/N's POV*

Today is the 3rd task. No one's dead yet. Thank god. I just hope Ced and Harry will be alright. That's the only thing I wish right now. Oh...Ced and  Harry have to enter the maze first. I'm not excited about that. I smiled at both of them when they turned to look at me. Then they all entered...

"I hope your brother is gonna win this." Draco said beside me, I giggled and then turned to him.

"You're kinda mean against the others, but thanks for basically believing in Ced, Draco." I said smiling and then rested my head on his shoulder.

"You guys look so cute together." Hermione said sighing happily.

"It's the first time I'm going to say this and probably the last, but I have to agree right now." Ron said and we all chuckled. Oh right...didn't tell you guys that me and Draco are together, for real.  


"Why don't you just shut the fuck up?" I asked when I turned  to Malfoy in the Great Hall, because their table was next to ours.

"I won't. Make me shut up if you truly want that." Malfoy said smirking. I want to be mad at him, but his smirk is not helping, it's making me feel less mad at him. I don't like this.

"Hermione...what was that spell called?" I asked turning to Hermione for a second and then turned back to glare at Malfoy.

"I won't tell you that. You'll get in trouble." Hermione said, I sighed and then glared even more at Malfoy. But this little twat stood up and sat down next to me.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"I need to talk to you, alone. Right now. Come with me." He said simply, I looked at Hermione who nodded at me. I again sighed and then stood up with Malfoy and we walked out of the Great Hall.

"Now...what did you want to talk about?" I asked him confusedly. He looked nervous as hell. Is he sick or something? Or he's really nervous about something.

"IthinkIlikeyou." He said very, very quickly. I looked at him confusedly.

"What? Come on don't be nervous. I won't attack you. Say it slower." I said and sat down on the bench next to him.

"I-I think I l-like y-you." He said stuttering, I didn't say anything  for like 20 seconds and then I started to smile like an idiot. But since I didn't say anything he started to get up and walk away, but I stopped him.

"I like you too." I said, grabbed his wrist and he turned to look at me. He smiled a little and then leaned in and kissed me softly. I smiled into the kiss and I think he did too... 

*End of flashback*

Well Hermione, Ron and Hermione weren't mad at me, which is good. But then Ced...he was like confused for 2 days, but then he said sorry about not saying anything about it and then being the overprotective brother he is...he said that 'If you hurt my little sis I'll end you, even if I have to go to the Azkaban after that'.

About the task...Krum and Fleur are already back, so only Harry and Ced are still in there. But after a minute they're back too, with the goblet or what ever it was... everyone stood up clapping, but Ced didn't move.

"No!" I said quietly and started to cry while running down to  Harry and Ced...who was d-dead.

"NO!" Fleur yelled when she saw Cedric laying on the ground, not moving. The clapping stopped and all we heard now was me and Harry crying.

"He's back. Voldemort's back. He killed him." Harry said crying harder, I fell on my knees and stared at Ced's lifeless body.

"Why him? My brother?! No, Ced, no! You can't leave me. Bro. NO!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.  Then my father came and cried with me. Moody took Harry away while I still cried like a little baby. But Cedric was my freaking brother, I'm allowed to cry.

"Y/N please don't cry." I heard someone saying behind me, I looked up and saw it was Draco. He looked at me with a sad smile and then sat down next to me on the grass and pulled me close. I cried into his chest. He tried to comfort me and it eventually did.

"I-I love you, Draco. Please just d-don't ever leave me." I said crying harder and I hugged him tighter.

"I'll never leave you. I love you too, Y/N." He said quietly and kissed my head. I hugged him for like 20 minutes and I think I fell asleep, because when I opened my eyes it was morning and I woke up next to Draco... I hope Draco can make me feel better soon... 

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