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Getting along with everyone has its pros and cons.

I mean...yeah, you have everyone to talk to, but yet...there are some people that are jealous of you. 

You would think that I don't get along with Slytherins, right? Nah. I get along with them very well. Even Pansy. She's just been jealous lately...and I have no idea why. I've asked Blaise about it, but he said that he doesn't have a death wish...and he says that he can't tell me.

"Y/N/N!" Fred, one of my best friends, shouted from the other side of the Gryffindor table and I turned to him.

"What is it, Freddie?" I shouted back and now everyone was staring at the two of us confusedly.

"Georgie and I need to talk with you for a minute!" Fred shouted and I nodded, stood up from my seat and walked to him.

"What's wrong?" I asked him and he smirked evilly, but everyone was still staring at us.

"Mind your own business!" Both Fred and George shouted and everyone turned back to their friends and continued eating lunch. Well except Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Lee.

"Guys are you sure? Y/N's not in the greatest mood today." Lee said next to me and the twins smirked.

"Alright...what did I miss?" I asked all of them.

"You see...we heard something." Ron started and Hermione rolled her eyes at him, which made me chuckle.

"Okay...yeah. I don't have the greatest mood today so I'm trying to distance myself from everyone.'s a plan at least. And...just tell me." I said and looked at all of them.

"Just don't kill us," Harry said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"She won't kill us. We're the ones telling her the news. She'll kill her...though." Hermione said frustratedly.

"Just tell me already!" I said, getting frustrated myself.

"We heard Parkinson telling Malfoy like him," Fred whispered to me, so no one else would hear. When he said that all, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Lee and George looked at me nervously.

Probably waiting for me to say something...which I will.

"I'll kill her," I said with a sarcastic smile and their eyes turned wide.

"Told you she will!" George said nervously and I nodded.

Then, I turned around and looked at the Slytherin table, where I saw Pansy smiling smugly at me and basically the whole table turned to look at her disapprovingly.

"Even her own house doesn't like her. *Turned to Hermione* What's our first lesson?" I asked her and she sighed.

"It's Potions with Ravenclaw and then DADA...with Slytherin," Hermione said and I nodded and smiled sarcastically again.

"Nice...then I have until DADA to come up with something," I said and tried to stand up, but Lee grabbed my arm and I sat back down with a sigh.

"She's a b*tch!" I said angrily and rested my head on Lee's shoulder.

"I agree!" All of them said in unison and then chuckled.

"But Y/N/ careful with whatever you do. DADA is with Umbridge after all." Ron said and I nodded.

"Umbitch you mean," I said and Ron nodded with a slight chuckle.

"We don't want you to get detention, Y/N," Harry said and I nodded.

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