Never have and never will

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6th year...not happy.

Why? You may ask.


It was all fine. Summer was kind of fun...well most of the time was fun. I was with either the Weasleys or Harry. Of course with Hermione too, because she's my twin after all. Oh...I'm in Slytherin, just so you know.

Now we're actually on the train to actually start the 6th year. I'm scared. Something feels so wrong...but I don't know what is it, yet. 

"He's a Death Eater!" Harry said, getting angry, because neither me, Ron or 'Mione didn't believe him. He's talking about Draco. We saw Draco in the Diagon Alley, followed him and we saw him entering the Borgin and Burkes shop with his mother. I mean...yeah it is kinda sketchy but is Draco really a Death Eater? We don't talk much...but I know for a fact that he's not that evil to be a Death Eater...willingly.

"No. He can't be." I said and they all looked at me.

"Why do you think so?" Harry asked me and I sighed.

"Just listen to her, Harry! They're in the ame house after all." Hermione said and Ron nodded, which made Harry sigh and then he turned to me with a little smile.

"Sorry for sounding rude, Y/N/N." Harry said and I nodded.

"I think he's not a Death Eater. At least...I hope not. Yes, he can be a douche, but he's not that evil. There's always a possibility that he is that case he's not doing it willingly. He might have been forced. You'll never know. I know you don't get along with him...okay I don't either but I know him enough. I've been in the same house as him for the past 5 years. And...I know a true evil little douche when I see him." I explained and they all looked at me with a shocked expression.

"What?" I asked them confusedly.

"A-Are you protecting him? Draco Malfoy? The one who has been bullying you...since the first day we arrived at Hogwarts?" Ron asked me and I rolled my eyes.

"He's not that bad. And if he's a Death Eater...I'll tell you. I mean...if I find out something." I said and they all nodded.

"If he actually is a Death-" Hermione said and I sighed.

"He's not doing it willingly. Trust me." I said, they turned to each other, sighed, but then eventually nodded.

"Can we change the subject now, please? I don't wanna talk about him the whole ride there." I said and they all chuckled and nodded.

Then we talked about summer and about what we're gonna learn this year and all that until...our chat was again about Draco and out of nowhere Harry said that he needs some air...and he took his invisibility cloak.

That little prick!

"He's going to find him, isn't he?" I asked angrily and then both Hermione and Ron nodded, also getting mad.

"Why are you protecting him though?" Hermione asked me and I sighed annoyedly.

"We're in the same house, of course I'm going to protect him, even when he hates me for some stupid things. He's not that bad you know...he acts differently around Slytherins. He's actually quite friendly. Not with me though, because I'm a muggle-born but I get along with some of his friends. You gotta admit...he's quite hot. *Ron almost chocked on his water* Anyways...he's a total prick but let's be honest...the way we also annoy the hell out of's quite understandable." I explained and Hermione chuckled, while Ron looked almost as pale as Draco.

Draco Malfoy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now