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It's been 19 years...freaking 19! And we have this Hogwarts reunion party...in 2 months. Am I excited? Not really. Simple reason though, not gonna lie. It's just that...I don't wanna meet all of them again. I mean of course I wanna meet my friends, but I don't wanna meet anyone else, really.

Is it weird that I don't wanna meet them? I hope not. Everyone has their kids now even...and I'm just here...chilling. Being lonely is boring, but sometimes it's better to be lonely, 'cause you don't have to think about someone else's problems. Because...your own problems are enough. Okay that was not...happy.

That's not even the point though.

I have other things to worry about. I need to find a dress...yuck. I don't wanna go there.

"Y/N are you even listening to me?" Hermione asked me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry. I'm just worried." I told her and sat down on the chair in front of her.

"About what?" Hermione asked me confusedly, but worriedly. We were in her office though. In the Ministry of Magic.

"About the reunion. I don't wanna go there. A-And worried that I might see Draco there. And worried as in why the hell do I need to go there a week before the reunion? Why not you? Besides...I'm going to be lonely there. I don't have a boyfriend and that obviously means that I don't have a kid. What am I gonna do in there? Everyone's with their families." I explained quickly. She looked confused at first, but then she nodded.

"Don't worry about that. I mean...yeah you're gonna see him there, probably, but it's going to be alright, I promise. I have no idea why McGonagall wants you there so early. Maybe she needs your help with something? And you know that me, Harry, Ron, Ginny, Neville and even Seamus and Dean are going to be with you. We won't leave you. You'll be with us the whole time." Hermione told me, which actually calmed me down a bit.

"Thanks, 'Mione. That helps actually. I still don't know what to wear though." I said sighing and she chuckled.

"Wear something black and silver. You always look good in these colors, Y/N/N." Hermione said and I nodded.

"I'll think about it. I have a black dress with some silver details on it. I guess that will work. What are you going to wear then?" I asked her.

"Something red. Gryffindor color after all." Hermione said and I smiled happily.

"Oh, okay. You're going to look amazing. I'm sure of it." I told her and she smiled. 

Then we both did some our work. It was quiet until I saw that Hermione was reading a newspaper and she gasped.

"Who died?" I asked automatically and she shook her head at me.

"No one. It's just Draco and Astoria got divorced about a month ago. And they only told the news...now. Wait...why though?" Hermione asked confusedly and I shrugged.

That's weird...I didn't think they would get divorced...I need answers. What the hell's going on? I thought they're happy...

"Have they commented?" I asked her and she nodded and I guess she was trying to find the place where they said something about it...

"Astoria said that it was all mutual. That they both realized that they had feelings for someone else and that they are happy. Still good friends." Hermione said and turned to me with her mouth open.

"B-But that's crazy. I didn't see that coming." I said awkwardly and she nodded.

"Who do you think Draco likes then?" Hermione asked me after we were doing some of our work.

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