Oh no...

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Having a twin called Ron Weasley is a nightmare. He is a nightmare. You see... we're so different. He's a pussy, and I'm a rebel. Ok kidding lol. I'm just a prankster, like my big brothers Freddie, and Georgie. We've done many pranks on teachers, and on students... they don't end well mostly.

And today...things are gonna get good...we're gonna prank Ron. He's in love with chicken. I swear to freaking Merlin.

"Y/N you gotta talk to him about something random so he wouldn't expect us to come right behind him, ok? Like we planned."  Georgie said to me, I looked up at him, and smiled.

"Yup, I'll go now." I said, and ran to the common room.

As I entered I saw him laying on the couch, and reading a book. I ran to him, and hugged him, smiling innocently.

"Hey Y/N/N!" Ron said when I hugged him.

"Hey Ron!" I told him again, we pulled away, and he looke at me confusedly.

"Last time you hugged me you wanted a copy of my homework.  What do you need now?" Ron said sighing dramatically, like always. Told ya he's a nightmare.

" Geee thanks. You're an asshole. And you knew that already, anyway... why didn't you tell me that you like 'Mione?" I asked him angrily. He looked pale, and he fell on the floor.

"Ron!" I said again, getting more angrier.

"S-sorry. I just...only Fred knows, and he promised not to tell anyone." Ron said nervously.

"I will kill you in your sleep one day. If you don't tell me your secrets anymore." I told him through gritted teeth.

"Ok.Ok. Sorry. You haven't told me either." Ron said, I raised my eyebrows,  and looked at him confusedly.

"What do you even mean?" I asked him getting more confused by any second.

"I know you like our enemy. I don't like that you like him, but I'm not mad at you. If he likes you back then I'll approve this relationship, but if he doesn't I'll hate him even more. Because he's an ass.  Why do you even like him? You sure he would make you happy? Like when he likes you back?" Ron asked me confused.

"Yes." I said looking down.

"But-" Ron was cut off by the twins who stood right behind him, and yelled in his ears. And the put some random bag on his head.

"Aghhh! I promise I will turn you guys into wolves! Puppies! So you guys wouldn't be able to make fun of me anymore." Ron said, but he pointed his wand in my direction. We looked at him with wide-eyes.

"Nope. No, Ron, no. " The twins said in unison. I was just quiet hoping he wouldn't curse me.

"Shut up. You're gonna be puppy wolves." Ron said, probably angrily... and then...the curse hit me...yes me, not the twins.

"RON!" The twins yelled.

"I'll- wait...you guys aren't wolves. What the heck happened?" Ron asked angrily, and then took off the bag he had on his head.

Then he looked at me with wide-eyes. And then at the twins, who looked angrily at him.

"Oh no..." Ron said panicking.

"What did I do?" Ron asked again, now panicking even more than he first did.

"Asshole!" I yelled at him, but they heard it like dogs, and wolves sound like.

"That's actually kind of funny, but oh my god...when is she turning back to human? Is she even getting back to human form?! What are we gonna do? She's gonna kill me after she's back." Ron said. But he sounded scared.  I wanna get out of here.

"Hey, guys!" Harry said as he entered our common room, but he left the door open so I quickly ran to the door with my 4 legs or whatever. I'm a freaking puppy, puppies are fast so I can run away from them. That's kind of good.

Ron's POV

When Harry entered the common room he left the door open, and Y/N ran out...goddddd...

"Y/N!" I yelled after her, but she was quick. Why didn't I turn her into an old dog or something?! Puppies are fast. I can't see her anywhere anymore.

"Y/N?" Harry asked me confusedly, and then he turned to Fred and George.

"Ron turned her into a-" Fred started.

"A wolf puppy!" George finished, and then all three of them turned to look at me.

"You did what?!" Harry asked me, and then Hermione entered our common room, screaming.

"What happened, Hermione?" I asked her worriedly.

"How did a wolf puppy get into our school?!" Hermione asked panicking, I looked down.

"It's not actually a wolf... It's Y/N." Harry told her awkwardly. I felt her eyes on me so I looked up.

"I-I'm sorry." I told her.

"She ran away, and she's quick. Even for a puppy. Maybe she saw something? By the way Ronald Weasley! Do you have any idea how long she's gonna be like this?!" Hermione asked me angrily. I can tell she knows the answer, she always knows. But oh well...I don't know.

"N-no!" I told her, looking down again.

"She's gonna be like this for 4 days! You bloody chicken. What if someone wants to have wolf puppy as a pet?What if it's gonna someone from Slytherin?" Hermione asked again.

"4 days?!" Fred and George yelled in unison. Oh no...

"What do you mean? Why would a Slytherin would want to have a wolf puppy as a pet?!" I asked her confusedly, and we all walked out of the common room, to find her.

"I heard 2 weeks ago that Malfoy wants to have a wolf puppy..." Hermione said quietly, and awkwardly.

"WHAT?!" I yelled, and I'm pretty sure the whole school heard it.

"It's true." Hermione said quieter.


"What?!" I heard someone yell, and I'm pretty sure that this was Ron. And that hurt...my ears hurt, I hear everything so loudly now...god my dear ears, I closed my eyes and laid down, maybe I could get some sleep since I'm pretty tired.

After some minutes I heard someone getting closer to me, I held my eyes closed, because maybe their just gonna walk away. But guess what? This human did not.

"Heeeey, little one. What are you doing in here? How did you get in here?" This human asked, he sounded familiar...I opened my puppy eyes, and looked at this human... wait this is Malfoy?!

"Ok never mind. Come on, you wanna sleep right? *I tried to nod, I think he understood, well he's not that dumb after all* Of course you do. Hmm what about I'll take you to my dorm? You can sleep on my bed, for as long as I have lessons, and then we can do something." He said, and I tried to nod again, and stood up.

"Come on I'll take you there, you don't have to walk. You look tired, come on." He said, and picked me up carefully. Then I saw Ron, Hermione, Harry and the twins walking closer to us. I moved close to Draco's chest, and then I saw Ron's and Harry's eyes widening.

"Malfoy what are you doing with that little wolf puppy?" Ron asked Draco angrily, I felt Draco's heart beat and it got quicker by any second. He's angry... definitely.

"It's none of your business *true* . Why the bloody hell do you care about that?" He asked angrily.

"This is my puppy." Ron said quickly.

"Funny. I haven't seen you with that cute little puppy. Now leave me alone. This little cutie is tired." Draco said, and walked past them. He's actually right, it's none of his business. Anyway he said I'm cute, that's cute. But he would hate if me finds out who I really am.

*Part two tomorrow , I promise.*


I'm sorry I haven't written in 3 or 4 days. It's just I'm sick lol. I'm sorry again, but I really do promise that I'll write, and post part 2 tomorrow.

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