Lovely (part 3)

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"If I'm gonna cry at the Yule Ball don't blame me. I will cry, you sing amazingly. You're like an angel. Your singing will be the death to me. I can't wait for the Yule Ball now." Hermione said, while having tears in her eyes.

"It's ok, Hermione. Don't cry. Let's go back to our dorm." I told her, she nodded, and we went back.

Right when we entered our dorm we changed our clothes, and went to sleep.


*A huge time skip. 2 days before the Yule Ball, morning tho.*

"Y/N! Get up, right now. McGonagall wants to talk to you. She also asked Draco there...what happened again?!" Hermione basically yelled into my ear.

"Fine. Stop yelling." I said tiredly, and got up. She rolled her eyes, and I think she walked to the common room.

I quickly changed, and ran to the common room. And saw the so famous Golden Trio.

"Finally! Are you turtle or something? What took you so long?!" Hermione asked me, but Ron and Harry were silent.

"Nope. I think it's the best if I'll go now." I told her, and ran out.

I ran to prof. McGonagall's office, and when I opened the door... I almost hit Malfoy on the face. He looked scared tho.

"I am so sorry that I almost hit you. Are-are you ok?" I asked him with wide eyes.

"Why do you care, you-" He was cut off by prof. McGonagall who turned to both of us.

"Stop right there, Malfoy. Now both of you come in." She said sternly. We nodded, and went in.

"So what do you wanna talk about, prof. McGonagall?" I asked her with a smile.

"I know you'll have breakfast soon, but I need to tell you something. But sit there." She showed  a sofa in front of her desk. We sat as far away from each other as possible.

"Now. I heard that both of you have been sneaking out from your common room lately. At night. Do you have any explanation for all of this?" She asked, we both looked each other.

"Professor you know my reason. It's all because of the Yule Ball. You know that. I don't know about Malfoy tho." I told her, she nodded and then turned to Malfoy.

"Can you now explain?" She asked, looking at him.

"Yes. It's a long story tho. When you asked her when we were in Potions I told her that I hope she's in trouble. Then when we have lunch or dinner I don't know... I asked her that is she in trouble, and then she said yes she was. I asked her what's going on. Then she said that I'll see soon, at the Yule Ball. But I still don't get it what she did. So I wanted to find out, and I saw her 3 days-well nights ago. Sneaking out of Gryffindor tower. I followed her, but I had to stop, because professor Snape saw me. So that's why." Malfoy explained. McGonagall nodded, and then turned to me. And even Draco looked at me.

"Ms. Y/L/N why don't you tell Mr. Malfoy what's gonna happen on the Yule Ball?" She asked, and Draco nodded in agreement.

"Because I told him that he'll hate me even more. I don't want this. Ok that sounds wrong. Anyway the point is that he doesn't need to know, because no one knows besides Hermione. And she promised that she'll never gonna tell anyone about this if I don't want her to. And I do not want. He'll see what happens in 2 days. He can wait." I told both of them, while looking down.

"He hates you? Why? Ok I get it you don't have to tell. Still...maybe you should tell. He wouldn't other you anymore then." She said awkwardly.

"Nope. Trust me he will hate me even more than he already does. He hates me, because I'm a half-blooded. Because I'm friends with Harry Potter. And I don't know any other reason. I even have to something special to him, at the Yule Bal." I said awkwardly.

"Ok. I get it. You can go to eat now." She said, we nodded and walked out.

"Why don't you just tell me?" He asked when he walked behind me to the Great Hall.

"Because I don't want to. Wait just 2 more days, I'm begging you." I told him when we stood in the middle of the Great Hall entering.

"Fine. But be ready for me to hate you even more." He said, and placed his index finger in front of my face and then walked away.

"What happened?" Hermine asked when I sat down next to her.

"I promise I will kill him one day. He's annoying. Now because of him both of us are in trouble. He was sneaking out to get to know what I was hiding or something, but Snape aw him. And then McGonagall wanted to ask both of us why were we sneaking out." I told her angrily.

"Calm down, little princess." George said behind me, and then sat down next to me.

"I can't." I said, and laid my head on his shoulder. He chuckled with the others.

"Little Y/N/N is angry. Leave her alone for 2 days. Then you can tell her how a-" Fred stopped, ad went red.

"Freddie! Do you know something about the Yule Ball that we don't?" George asked, looking at him closely. Even I looked at him confusedly.

"Are you going to the Yule Ball together?" Ron asked happily.

"Ron I'll kill you. And Freddie I ask the same question as Georgie." I told him. He sat down.

"I just heard you singing at the Astronomy tower. Sorry. But you sound amazing, don't blame me. I wasn't tired so I heard you." Freddie whispered, and it made me blush.

"Thank you, Freddie. That was cute." I told him, and kissed his cheek.

"Ooooh. Freddie is blushing." George said teasingly. Fine I'll make him blush too... 

"Oh shut up, Georgie." Fred said, still blushing. I giggled.

"Shut up, chicken." I told George laughing, and then kissed his cheek two. And now he was the one who was blushing.

"Ha! Georgie it was payback." Fred said laughing. George glared at him, but he couldn't hold back his smile so he smiled. Fred just smirked at him.

"Yup. It was." I told him, and smirked. 

"So Y/N you're not that mad anymore?" Hermione asked.

"Nope. I think we should get to the class now. At least I don't have any lessons tomorrow." I told all of them, while trying to get up.

"Hold up. What?! That's not fair. But yes we should get to class." Ron said.

"Trust me it's fair. Because I have other things to do. With some teachers, and with Dumbledore." I told him, and winked jokingly.

"Why always girls are lucky?" Ron asked quietly. Me and Hermione giggled, and  then we all walked to the class together. 

But little did we know that some guys from Slytherin table were listening to our conversation...

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