Even your father?

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There's a little problem. Having a friend group where you also have your...well enemy, sucks. It really does suck, because there's not a single day where we won't argue over some stupid things. For instance...yesterday we were arguing who has the greenest apple. Don't even ask...it just is like that. For how long did we argue about this?! From breakfast to freaking lunch. He really is pissing me off.

Yes, my enemy is the one and only...Draco Malfoy.


"Hey, Y/N/N!" Blaise said and sat down next to me with a little smile on his face.

"Hey, rat! How did you sleep?" I asked him after giving him a side hug.

"Oh, nice. Crabbe made me mad but other than that I slept well." Blaise explained and I chuckled.

"Sounds like every other night. *Nodded, chuckling* How about you, Pansy?" I asked and now looked at Pansy, who was staring at Draco, like he was the last candy in the store.

Draco on the other hand was glaring at me...for no reason. What the hell did I do now? We've been up for like an hour, max, and he already is glaring at me. This dude seriously has some issues.

"Oh...I slept well." Pansy said and continued staring at Draco.

"Okay, stop. What's wrong with you? Why are you glaring at me?" I asked Draco angrily and glared at him.

"Nothing. You are just making me mad. That's really irritating." He said through gritted teeth.

"Not my problem. Calm down, you big baby. I haven't done anything to you. You need to stop. You're making me mad too." I said angrily back and then smiled sarcastically at him.

"When are you two going to stop this?" Crabbe asked with a sigh and looked between me and Draco.

"Mind your own business, Crabbe." Both me and Draco said angrily to Crabbe and then turned to each other.

"No, stop! Both of you. You need to sort out your priorities." Blaise said and I chuckled.

"You've been around Ron for too long." I said chuckling and everyone started to chuckle, even Draco smiled for a second.

"See? That's what I'm talking about. Make jokes...even the devil himself, in your eyes, smiled." Blaise said and winked jokingly.

"Yeah, yeah. Also...Crabbe! *Turned to him* since I know that Malfoy isn't going to say sorry for snapping at you...I'll do it myself. I'm saying sorry from the both of us." I said looking at Crabbe, who chuckled and nodded.

"It's all good!" Crabbe said and I nodded.

"What's our first lesson though?" I asked everyone.

"Potions with-" Blaise started but was rudely cut off by Draco.

"With the bloody Gryffindorks." Draco said and I smirked.

"What are you smirking at?" Draco asked me and I shook my head.

"It's nothing." I said chuckling and took the last bite from my toast and started to stand up.

I guess...I gotta run anyways.

"No! Say it! Even I wanna know." Blaise said and chuckled.

"Draco dear is probably hiding the fact that he's in love with someone from the Gryffindor house. You always bully them. Especially the Golden Trio. So...which one do you like? *He stood up and glared at me* Hermione or Harry? Because I know that Ron isn't your type." I explained, then winked jokingly at Draco and ran away.

Draco Malfoy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now