Not you, Lightness!

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"Happy 11th birthday, Y/N/N!" My mother said waking me up, I smiled at her and hugged her.

"Thank you, momma." I said while hugging her. She then handed me an envelope, I looked curiously at it, but then I realized that it was from Hogwarts.

"Am I going to Hogwarts, momma?" I asked her excitedly, she nodded.

"Yes, also you have a guest here..." Mother said and then out of our living room came...

"Newt!" I yelled and hugged my extra tall cousin.

"Hey, little one! I have a gift for you, since you're attending to Hogwarts. But it's outside. Let's go now." Newt said and we went outside together.

"Where are we going, Newt?" I asked as I held his hand, he chuckled.

"To the forest near your house. I hope you're gonna like it." Newt said, I got curious.

When we finally finished our journey to the forest Newt stopped next to a little dragon. Blue coloured to be exact.

"So...this is gonna be your gift. Since you love creatures as much as I do I wanted you to have this little one. It's a he by the way. Just for you to remember me, because I'm going to America for...long. I'm sorry I'm telling you this right now, but this one is yours." Newt said and handed me this little one. He looked so happy, he had icy-blue eyes and like I said he was also blue coloured. This is perfection.

"Thank you so much, Newt. This is amazing. You're gonna stay with us tonight...right?" I asked him sadly, he kneeled down in front of me, because I was too little.

"Of course, I wanted to spend my last day in London with my favourite little cousin of all the time. What are you gonna name him tho?" Newt asked me with a smile and picked me up while I was holing my new dragon.

"I love you, Newt! Also hmm...his name is gonna be...Lightness." I said and then I swear that dragon was smiling at me.

"I love you too, Y/N. Let's go back inside now." Newt said, I nodded and ran inside my house to show my mother that Newt got me a dragon and told her that I will take care of him when I'm in Hogwarts.

*End of flashback*

I smiled at the memory, because right now I'm starting my 3rd year at Hogwarts, this is so exciting. As always I was sitting with Harry, Ron and Hermione. There was also a bit older man with us.

"Look at you guys, finally growing up." I said jokingly and they all laughed.

"Same goes for you, Y/N/N." They said which made me chuckle.

We talked a bit together, but then it went cold...

"What's happening?" I asked, looking at the others in fear.

"I do-don't know." Harry said, Ron started panicking with me and Hermione while Harry just looked confused... 

And then Harry got attacked by Dementor, well he actually got that so called Dementor kiss. After that  this old man stood up and used some spell to get this Dementor away.

"Harry!" All four of us tried to wake Harry up and he eventually did.

"Hey? Did you hear a woman screaming?" Harry asked, we looked confused.

"No one was screaming Harry." Hermione said calmly.

"Wh-what was this...thing?" Harry asked.

"This was a Dementor, have a chocolate. It will help." The older man said, who also told his name to us. Remus Lupin, if I remember correctly. 

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