Probably your last chance, mate

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Last day of school. Officially. I should be happy, but I'm not. You wanna know why? It's because I love someone who doesn't love me. He obviously graduates with us, and that's all good, but he's coming here with his current girlfriend...Astoria. I've never liked her. Never. She was always mean to me. No one wasn't, but then she was. Yeah, you know who's this boy I love. Yes, he is Draco Malfoy. Trust me, I'm not the happiest girl about loving him. I know he would never love me the same way I love him. We all have had this one crush we can't get over. No matter how much we would want to...anyway that's not what I should think about right now.

"Y/N!" I heard Hermione yelling in the other room.

"Yes?" I shouted back.

"Come here, you need to try your dress on!" She shouted again. I totally forgot about that, s*it.

"Coming!" I said quickly and ran to her room. We're not sisters, if that's what you think. We're best friends. I'm pureblooded, and as you know she's a muggleborn. Both in Gryffindor, sounds fun, doesn't it? Anyway that's not what I should be talking about.

"Y/N are you gonna put that bright yellow dress on?" Hermione asked  me when I made it finally to her room.

"Yea-yeah." I said a bit nervously.

"Nervous about seeing Draco with Astoria? And nervous about your speech?" Hermione asked me before I went to the bathroom to change. Forgot to mention that I had to make a speech.

"Yeah, about seeing them. The speech-I uhh..." I wanted to say something, but nothing came out.

"Don't worry about them, please. Besides honestly...You have no idea what you're gonna say, do you?" Hermione asked me with a chuckle.

"Well in all I have no idea what I'm gonna say."  I said and then chuckled too. We were both changed my now. We just talked a bit, and then we heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." We said at the same time. Then came in Harry and Ron.

"You guys ready?" Ron asked us.

"Not at all, especially Y/N. She has no idea what to say on her speech." Hermione said looking at me.

"Well...technically it's not my fault. I don't know why they thought it would be a good idea for me to make a speech.

"I told professor Mcgonagall that it would be a good idea...sorry." Harry said chuckling.

"You're mean, like literally. I won't punch you tho, you're too likeable person." I told Harry, he laughed with Ron.

"We gotta go, now." Ron said, and looked at the clock.

"Yup." I said with Hermione, thank god we had done our make up.

Then we all ran as quick as we could.


When we made it to Hogwarts we ran to professor Mcgonagall's classroom. Oh god...she's not just a professor anymore, she's basically a ruler of our school.

"Hello, professor Mcgonagall." We all said at the same time. She smiled at us, and told us to sit down.

"Hello. Graduating is going to be outside. Can I have a word with Y/N tho? You can wait outside my office for her." Professor Mcgonagall said smiling. The others nodded and went out.

"What did you want to talk about, professor?" I asked a bit nervously.

"Don't worry, nothing bad. I just wanted to say that...I hope you'll say something great on your speech. I know it will be good, but I just thought I'd wish u good luck before that." She said smiling, I smiled back.

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