Harry you're mental! (part 2)

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Hermione’s POV

After we arrived to Hogwarts we changed as quick as possible and then went to the Great Hall, because we had dinner.

Y/N and Harry haven't arrived yet and it's weird...because  the sorting ceremony is already over. They should be here by now. Something happened...


*Still Hermione's POV*

Then they came in with Luna.

"What happened? Why is he like this again?" I asked Ron and Ginny quietly. They just  shrugged.

"Why is he always covered in blood?" Ginny asked.

"At least this time looks like his own blood." Ron said. We nodded and then they both sat down on the table.

"What happened, Harry?" The three of us asked.

"Later. What did we miss?" Harry asked. We all explained to them and they just nodded.

*Next day, Y/N's POV*

Me, Harry and Ron were enjoying ourselves in the corridor. While looking at confused first years and laughed.

"God...were We like this too, when we started?" I asked the both of them.

"Probably, but I don't remember." Ron said laughing.

"Or you just don't want to remember. Childhood trauma for sure." I said and the three of us laughed again.

"Harry Potter!" Professor McGonagall said loudly.

"That can't be good." Harry and me said in unison.

"I wish that he's in trouble." I said laughing again.

"The four of us are always in trouble. I wouldn't be surprised if he was." Ron said and I giggled. What the hell!?

Professor talked to Harry a bit and then she pointed her index finger on me and Ron which made Harry nod.

"Did he put us on his trouble too? If yes, then I'll attack him." I said quietly.

"Again...I wouldn't surprised." Ron said jokingly...I think. Then Harry came to us.

"Come on. Let's go. We have to go to Potions." Harry said, Ron groaned, but I was quite happy about it. I love potions.

"Ok." I said and then we walked to the classroom. There were a punch of Gryffindors and some Slytherins.

"Oh! Hello Y/N and Harry! And...?" Slughorn started happily.

"Ron, Ron Weasley, sir." Ron said and then we had to take books, but there were only 2 left, so I just let Harry and Ron to fight who gets the better looking one. At the same time I walked to Hermione, when they were talking about Amortentia potions. Hermione said what she smelled and I smirked at her. She looked confused...

"What?" She asked, but blushed a little.

"Oh...I know exactly  who attracts you, dear Hermione." I whispered to her. Her eyes went wide.

"Shut up!" She said quietly, but smiled a little.

"Wait...do you like someone?" Hermione asked me smirking.

"N-No." I said stuttering quietly.

"I think she has, but she doesn't want to admit to herself and neither to that boy." Blaise whispered next to me. Draco looked up and looked at me in the eye. Then again looked down.

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