Would you look at that?

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"So you're telling me that-" Hermione started, but she got cut off...by the twins.

"Y/N/N! We might need your help!" They said quickly in unison and smiled innocently at me, which made me roll my eyes and Hermione laugh.

"What mess did you get yourself into now?" I asked with a sigh, and they turned to each other with a nervous smile and then at me again.

"We might...or might not have turned Filche's cat...yellow." They explained, and I started to laugh loudly.

"He's going to kill you two." I said, and they nodded.

"That's why we need your help. We're going to hide. Just don't tell him where we are." George said and I nodded. They sighed in relief, turned around and hid behind the corner.

"You're going to get yourself in trouble because of these two!" Hermione said, and I nodded in agreement.

"They usually are the trouble. *Heard both of them scoff* And I'm used to that. It's fine, 'Mione." I said chuckling, she nodded with a chuckle and then we saw Filch running to us angrily with his now yellow cat trailing behind him.

"Where are they?" He asked me angrily, and I looked at him confusedly.

"Who?" I asked, innocently.

"The twins!" He said, and I shrugged.

"Fred and George?" I asked him again, and in the corner of my eye, I saw Hermione trying to hold back her laugh.

"Yes, the Weasleys!" He said, getting angrier than he was already.

"The twins?" I asked him laughing because he was both angry and confused now.

"Why do I even bother asking you? *Turned to Hermione* Where are they?" Filch asked her, and I turned to her with a smirk on my face.

"Oh...the twins?" Hermione asked, and Filch rolled his eyes and walked away. When he was far enough, I started to laugh loudly with Hermione.

"Nice one, 'Mione." I said, and she shook her head, laughing.

"It was all you, Y/N/N. He looked so angry and confused at the same time." Hermione said, chuckling and I shook my head.

"That was awesome, Y/N/N. I'm pretty sure he's going to tell Dumbledore about you. That you're helping us." Fred said chuckling.

"He already has. Last week Dumbledore asked me if I helped you guys out sometimes. And I said yes, but told him not to tell Filch." I said, and they chuckled.

"That little brat! Also...talking about brats. How could you?" George asked, and I turned to him confusedly.

"What do you even mean?" I asked him, and both Fred and George gasped dramatically and put their hands over their hearts.

"So...you're telling us that we are the trouble?" George asked with an evil smirk, and my eyes widened, and I stepped back.

"Haha...no?" I said, but it came out as a question.

"Get back here, Y/N/N! We're so not done talking about this!" Both Fred and George shouted when I started to run away from them.

"Never!" I shouted and ran as quickly as I could. 

Then, I realised that it's dinner time. Thank God.

"Y/N!" They shouted again, and I freaked out. 

They're taller...and quicker. I'm not dying today. I'm not going to let them catch me. Not today!

"HARRY!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and ran into the Great Hall with the twins following me closely.

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