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Being in love with your best friend's enemy is not easy, I mean how could it be easy?

To be honest...

I hate it, I hate that I have a crush on him.

I know I haven't told you who is it, but umm...but I bet that you already know who it is.

Yes, I know it's not the greatest , but I have a crush on Draco Malfoy.

Well now me, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George are on our way back to Hogwarts, our 5th year is starting. YAY!

But it's the last year for Fred and George.

It's the biggest disappointment so far, I mean that's not fair.

Who's pranking other students when Fred and George are gone?!

I say that again, but really it's a huge disappointment.

"Y/N!" Harry yelled, I jumped a bit, and then looked at him.

"What? Don't yell, come on Harry. We're on the train, you git. What if that Malfoy gang slept, huh? They're gonna kill us, especially you, Harry. Now...what do you want?" I asked him.

"It's just that you zoned out, and we were asking who's your crush. We know you have a crush on someone since first year. But the thing is that you still haven't told us. Why is that?" Harry asked, I looked at all of them, and then back at him.

"Because you would kill me. You would hate me. And I know he wouldn't like me back. It's not that important anyways. It won't make anything better if I would tell you. Besides I know who you guys like, well not the twins but...the 4 of you, I know who you like so..." I explained. They looked at me speechlessly.

"How do you know who we like?" All 4 of them asked in unison, but the twins just looked at me sceptically. I mouthed 'what?' to them, but they then turned to each other and started to smirk.

"It's so bloody obvious. And don't you guys try to stop me now. I know that Ron likes Hermione. I know that Hermione likes him too, but she doesn't want to admit it. I know that Ginny likes Harry, since our first year started. And I know that Harry likes her too, I know it since our 4th year ended. Don't you dare to argue with me now. Because I am telling the truth right now." I said, and then looked at all of them again, and all of them, I repeat all of them were blushing. Well besides Fred and George of course, because they were silently talking to each other, while having their evil smiles on their faces.

"Hold do you know?" Hermione asked, but I just smirked at her.

"Well...Hermione you lied then. You told us that you don't like anyone." Ron said, and looked at her.

"It's time to get changed guys. I'll go. Bye!" I said quickly, and went to some random bathroom to change into our robes.

After changing I walked out, and bumped into someone. 

And that someone was...

"I'm sorry, Malfoy." I said quickly, and walked away. Back to the others.

"Bloody hell! Y/N don't scare me like that. That's not even funny. Why-Did you just ran in here? Or what?" Ron asked.

"Well...yes. I bumped into Malfoy when I came out of the bathroom, I didn't want him to yell at me so I quickly  said sorry to him, and then ran away. To here. That wasn't the greatest meeting in my life." I said, and sat down next to Harry.

"Why are you blushing then? Wait do you like him?!" Hermione asked me, my eyes went wide.

"Pfft, no." I said and looked away. I felt all of them looking at me, and then I blushed again.

"Shouldn't you guys go and change?" I asked when I turned back to them, and smiled innocently.

"Hmm...fine, but when we get back we will talk about this. You can't get away of this that easily. Trust me." Hermione said, and got up, I smiled at her and nodded a bit. Then Harry got up with Ron, and Ginny followed them.

"Fred, George? Shouldn't you guys go too?" I asked them, they shook their heads, and then moved so they could sit in front of me.

"Y/N you do know that you can trust us, right?" George asked.

"Well...a bit. Yes. Why are you saying this?..."  I asked them confusedly, they looked at each other, then back at me.

"We know that you like Malfoy." They said in unison. I looked at them with wide yes.

"H-how? What? No!" I said quickly, but stuttering, and just a bit.

"We've know that since 2 years ago.  Well...we didn't know that, but we thought that." Fred said, George nodded.

"And your point is..." I said, they chuckled.

"We're not mad at you. We won't hate you when you guys start to date. We won't kill you. We would kill him, if he does something bad to you. And I meant that. We still love you as our little sister. And we won't tell the others, if you don't want to. Well of course you don't want to. We just want you to be happy, and if he's the reason you're happy then we'll still love you the same." George explained, and Fred nodded at the same time smiling.

This was the cutest thing they've ever said, I love them. I literally love them.

I smiled at both of them, then stood up, and hugged them tightly.

"Thank you so much, guys. I love you." I said and I think I even sobbed a bit, which of course made them chuckle again.

"It's ok Y/N/N, we love you too." They said in unison while still hugging.

And then...

"What did we miss?" Hermione asked confusedly...

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