Perfects, but still enemies (part 2)

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"Same, but the girl I think it's gonna be you, Y/N." Hermione said, smiling.

"I don't think so." I said chuckling.

"And now...our perfects from Gryffindor are gonna be..." Dumbledore started...


"And now...our perfects from Gryffindor are gonna be... Y/N Y/L/N and Ronald Weasley." Dumbledore said, and basically all the Great Hall applauded.

"Wow. Good job guys!" Hermione said, smiling happily. 

"I knew you guys were going to be perfects!" Harry said, and side hugged me, since he was sitting next to me.

"You know... what if you and Malfoy are gonna date? That would be so cool. I mean you guys would be a power couple. Yeah I'm still not a fan of him, but what if he makes you happy? Or what if you guys end up being together soon? Or-" Hermione said.

"N-no." I said, and got up.

"Y/N? Where are you going?" Ron asked me confusedly.

"I-I just need some time alone." I said, and right then I got a letter from Dumbledore, with all the perfects passwords. I wanted to relax so I went to the perfects bathroom, which was on the 4th floor.

I quickly walked out of the Great Hall...

Hermione's POV

When I asked Y/N all these question...

"N-no." She said, and got up.

"Y/N? Where are you going?" Ron asked her confusedly. But she got a letter, and then...

"I just need some time alone." She said, and walked out of the Great Hall.

I saw Malfoy looking at her every move when she walked out of the Great Hall.

"Ron. Go talk to her." I said, he looked at me confusedly.

"Don't you think Malfoy should do that?" He asked.

"I should do what?" Someone, I think Malfoy asked behind me. I jumped a bit.

"Talk to-" Ron was about to say, but I cut him off.

"Shush! Nope. You should go to talk to Y/N. She'll listen to you.  She wouldn't listen to any of us right now after what I said...or asked... that's not the point. Just go talk to her." I explained to both of them, also Harry looked confused still.

"Fine. But I don't even know where is she..." Ron said, I rolled my eyes.

"I think she went to the-" I started.

"Perfects bathroom." Me and Malfoy finished in unison.

"How do you know?!" Harry asked.

"Haven't you noticed? You guys hang with her basically all the time, but you still haven't noticed? She always goes to up the stairs somewhere. Or Astronomy tower." Malfoy said, and rolled his eyes, because said it like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"How do you know that?!" I asked him confusedly.

"I've seen her. Now go, before it's too late. Or I'll come too." Malfoy said.

"But that's not bad at all. You should go to be honest. Maybe they'll need you." I told him, he looked confused.

"I relate, Malfoy." Ron said awkwardly.

"I think... Ron you have to talk about Malfoy to Y/N, and then Malfoy you'll just randomly come out. I think both you and Y/N should say something to each other." I told him, he went red a bit. So he actually likes her.

"Umm... y-yeah. Ok." He said, a bit red, still.

"Now, go. Guys just go. Before it's too late." I said, and they quickly went to the perfects bathroom.

Draco's POV

So we ran to the perfects bathroom. 

After we were up we went quietly.

"Now stay here." Weasley said, and quietly went to find her.


I quietly was looking out of the window, but then Ron somehow came out of nowhere.

"Hey, Y/N!" Ron said quietly, and sat down next to me.

"Hey, chicken." I said, smiling a bit.

"I know you won't like this question, but do you really like Malfoy? I'm not saying anything bad, but just asking." Ron said.

"Yes! I do. But it doesn't matter, because he would never like me back. He likes beautiful girls, yeah I know you always say that I'm beautiful, but you know that I don't like the way I look. At all. He would never like me." I said, and started to cry silently.

"Oh Y/N-" Ron started, but someone cut him off.

"Never say that again. There's nothing wrong with the way you look. You look beautiful, and I meant it. I really do like you. And not in a friend way. In  kind of a girlfriend way. And  know that you like me too. Now Weasley I think we need some privacy." Draco said, Ron nodded, and walked away. Draco sat next to me, and hugged me tightly.

"Y/N why didn't you tell me that you like me? I've liked you since 3rd year. I still do. So...will you be my girlfriend?" He asked whispering into my ear. I smiled, and nodded into his chest.

"You have no idea how much I like you."  He whispered again, and then kissed my forehead.

"Same here." I said and pulled away from him. We looked each other, and then he just pulled me into a passionate kiss. We both smiled into the kiss, and for the rest of the night we cuddled together and spent some time with each other.

Also a really huge thank you to all of you. For 1k readers. This made my day so much better. I love all of you so much. 

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