Even he smiled

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How can something be so...frustrating? 

Everything was alright until...we had Potions with Snape...even worse...with Slytherin gits.

"Y/N if something happens...tell me." Harry, my twin brother, said and I nodded.

Oh...what did he mean by that? You see...if you're Harry's twin it automatically means that Draco, oh so famous, Malfoy hates you. 

Why? No idea.

Oh...and the worst part about all of this is that I had to sit next to him, because Snape made me. Said otherwise I'll cause some trouble...again. Last week I almost made the whole classroom to explode. 

"Potter! Get here!" Malfoy said angrily, I rolled my eyes and nodded, walking to...our table.

"Why are you so rude to me? What did I even do to you?" I asked him angrily.

"You're just pissing me off. And you suck at Potions." Malfoy hissed and I slapped his arm, which made him groan and then he glared at me.

"What? You asked for it! You pissed me off." I said back angrily.

"My-" He started but I cut him off, laughing.

"No. No, your father won't hear about it." I said and he inhaled sharply before turning to me again.

"He will if you won't shut up!" He said and I smirked.

"Haha, no. You-" I started but we were both cut off by Snape entering the class.

It was a boring lesson, because all we had to do was to write down everything he said. I almost fell asleep because of that. 

When the lesson was over we all started to pack our stuff and were about to walk out of the class until...

"Mr. Malfoy...and Ms. Potter. Stay here for a minute." Snape said and I groaned, glared at Malfoy, who glared back, and then I turned to the trio, who smiled at me sadly.

"We'll wait outside." Harry said and I nodded. 

When everyone left me and Malfoy went to Snape's desk and he sighed and then turned to me.

"Miss Potter you're failing Potions. *I nodded with a sigh* And McGonagall will rip my head off if you won't get better grades. There's no other choice...but to give you a tutor. That's why Mr. Malfoy is here." Snape said and I looked at him with my mouth open, closed it and then laughed sarcastically until I turned really serious.

"Does it have to be...him?!" I asked angrily and turned to Malfoy, who didn't look happy either.

"Now that you seem so against it...yes, it has to be him." Snape said with a little smirk and I groaned angrily.

"Fine." I said angrily, turned to Malfoy...and since I was so angry I punched him with my Potions book and walked out angrily.

"Ow!" I heard him shout after me.

I basically growled with anger now, walked out of the classroom and saw the trio, looking at me confusedly.

"Someone's going to die, am I right?" Ron asked and I shot him a glare.

"I'm failing Potions and Snape made Malfoy to freaking tutor me. I-" I said angrily and I got cut off by...him!

"It's not my fault." He said angrily and I turned around the face him.

"Don't you...dare to...piss...me off!" I said and slapped his arm each time I said something and then when I was about to slap him one last time he grabbed my wrist and looked at me in the eye.

Draco Malfoy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now