She's a mudblood?! (part 3)

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"What happened? Did I say something?" Draco asked looking at the three of us. Me Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other quickly and then back at him.

"No!" We said in unison, Draco looked at us suspiciously, but nodded anyways.


I quickly walked away from library and then I heard Hermione yelling at Malfoy...

Hermione's POV

I heard Malfoy saying something about muggle-borns, because Y/N asked why he hates them... and guess what it didn't end well. Because right after that Y/N ran away nearly crying.

I stood up and quickly walked to Malfoy and his gang, Ron and Harry running after me.

I stopped right in front of Malfoy and glared at him.

"What.Did. You. Tell. Her. Malfoy?!" I yelled at him.

"What does it matter? It's none of your business you filthy little mudblood!" Malfoy sneered and then looked his friends.

"Let's go guys!" Malfoy said through gritted teeth. Then he glared at all of us and walked away like nothing even happened.

"I'm gonna kill him for this!" Harry said glaring at the back of Malfoy's head.

"I'll get you Fred and George to help, they love her as a sister. Sometimes I think they love her more than me and Ginny!" Ron said chuckling, but then turned back angry.

"Let's go back to the Gryffindor common room. I bet she's crying and I don't want to see her cry so...I should comfort her. Because... you know..." I said sadly, because basically the whole school knows that she has a little crush on Malfoy, yeah I don't like him at all, but Y/N...she thinks differently.

Boys nodded and we started to walk to the common room.


After I walked around Hogwarts corridors I sat down on the floor and started to cry silently, but then I heard some footsteps...

Blaise's POV

I walked around our school, trying to find Y/N, because I wanted to apologise for what Draco said, sometimes he's an ass for real. After about 10 minutes I heard someone crying close to me, I turned to another corridor and saw...

Y/N crying on the floor, I quickly walked to her and kneeled down in front of her.

"Hey, hey, hey Y/N look at me, please!" I said calmly, she looked up to me with red puffy eyes... oh no...

"What do you want?" She asked through her tears.

"I just don't want you to cry... and don't listen to Draco, he's an ass, I know." I told her which made her giggle for a second.

"He's a Malfoy to me..." She said looking down.

"Look *she looked at me in the eyes* I know some stuff...I know you're a muggle-born and Granger's sister... I know I'm supposed to hate muggle-borns, but you're different... you act like a pureblood witch, that's so cool. Also terrifying, because you're scary sometimes. And yes I'm also supposed to hate Gryffindors, but yet again you're different than the others. You act like a Slytherin most of the time. I also know that you like Dra-Malfoy... many girls do, but still. The point is that please don't listen to him. He really is horrible sometimes, but you gotta get to know him, after some time you realize that he's not that bad after all." I told her with a little smile, because I really didn't want her to cry. Since when did I care about someone?!

She stared at me for a minute and then smiled.

"Thank you, Blaise." She said smiling, I nodded and then she hugged me. I was shocked, but after some seconds I hugged her back.


After we pulled away and said our goodbyes we walked our different ways.

I entered our common room and found my besties aka the twins sitting one of the couches  and Hermione with Ron and Harry were sitting on the floor talking to each other. I quietly wanted to walk away from there, but Freddie saw me.

"Y/N! You're finally back!" Freddie said and came to hug me, I hugged him back and then came George who looked at me worriedly and then picked me up like I was a baby.

"Now... What did this git tell you? Me and Freddie already have a plan to play some prank on him." George said with an evil smirk on his face.

"He's not worth it... anyway he said *told them all what happened* so that's all, but then Blaise came and he made me calm so..." I said and then George put me back down and hugged me tightly. I smiled a little.

"I'm sorry Y/N, but I will destroy him. I know you kinda like him, but he doesn't deserve you. Also you should  rest, go to sleep, I'll wake you up in the morning." Hermione said calmly, we said good night to each other and then I walked to my dorm.

Right when I hit my head on my pillow I was asleep.

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