I'm sorry, Malfoy

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Ok Imma stop yelling now. *dies because of embarrassment*


"Don't you dare to think about my precious Dracey like that ever again, Y/N, I thought we're getting along very well. Why would you think that? Are you jealous of someone? Wait...do you like him and then you try to ignore your feeling by calling him something like that ? Are you ok, Y/N?" Pansy basically shouted at me. She's gonna kill me. I shouldn't have said that.

Oh right, you guys don't even know what I'm talking about...


We were in Potions class when Draco started to ramble how annoying Harry is. Well I'm friends with Harry, but this is getting really annoying if Harry is always on his mind and all what I've heard him in last 2 days is how he hates Harry. I rolled my eyes and looked at him, he looked back at me and scoffed.

"Why is he always so...angry? Like what did I do? Don't you think it's annoying that all he's talking about is Harry?" I asked turning to Pansy who was just looking at him dreamily.

"You probably didn't do anything, he's just being him. He's always like this. And no, I don't think that it's annoying, because he's so freaking hot when he's angry. Like who wouldn't want to make out with him like th-" Pansy started to say, but I cut her off with wide eyes.

"I-I think I didn't need to hear that." I said awkwardly and tried to work with my potion. But I couldn't get it out of my head and this is annoying too. I don't know why everything is so annoying if any of it includes Malfoy. Goshhh I'm thinking about him too much, but not ike that...I think...and hope.

"Y/N COME ON?!" Pansy yelled pulling me out of thoughts and  I even jumped a bit, because this little fucker scared me.

"Don't do that, ever again. That was scary, but what did you want anyway?" I asked her, but looked at Malfoy for a second and this git smirked playfully at me. This dude has a death wish. I glared at him and then yet again I turned my head to listen to Pansy.

"You were zoning out. Then you looked at Dracey. Do you like him?" Pansy asked me smirking. I looked at him with wide eyes, then yet again I looked at Draco who looked at me with his mouth open a bit. I shook my head and turned to Pansy.

"God, fuck no. He doesn't like me tho and I think I know why." I said, she looked at me confusedly, I face palmed and thank god our lesson was over and we had some time to hang out, but Pansy dragged me to Slytherin common room. Someone save me, please. Right now would be perfect. But hell to the no, no one is around us...to save me from this witch.

"Y/N what exactly do you mean?" Pansy asked me when we made it to the common room, she sat down and I stood in front of her uncomfortably and my was turned to the entrance. I think it's a bad idea, I have a bad feeling about this.

"I mean-you know...I think he's-he's into boys. Come on, think about it." I said awkwardly and gulped when I saw her kind of angry-looking face. I think I'm in trouble, in some serious trouble.

*End of flashback*

"Yes I think so. I think he's gay. I truly think Malfoy is gay. He always talks about Harry. I even thought I'm gonna tell him 'if you like Harry so much ask him out!', but as you can see I didn't do it." I said sighing in the end, Pansy was quiet. Ok something is wrong, like really wrong.

"What did you call me, Y/L/N?" A low voice behind me asked, I gulped and turned to...Draco.

"N-nothing." I said stuttering and I looked down, he came closer.

"Did I stutter? What the bloody hell did you call me, Y/L/N?" He asked me angrily. I wanted to hide somewhere, because I've never seen him so angry. I gulped again and looked up at him.

"Ok. Fine. I think you're gay, that's what I said. Happy now? Probably no, besides...I'm sorry, Malfoy, ok?" I said quickly, like very quickly. He looked at me confusedly, but I bet on it that he heard me correctly.

"Ok. Fine. I think you're gay, that's what I said. Happy now? Probably no, besides...I'm sorry, Malfoy, ok?" I said slower now. He looked at me with a very serious face, but then he laughs sarcastically.

"Oh really?" He asked me and came even closer. Oh boy...this little fucker is gonna attack me, I swear.

"Y-yes, but I said sorry, Dra-I mean Malfoy." I said and looked down, he laughs again. I looked up at him with a confused face.

"What potion did you smell? For real. Why are you laughing?" I asked him confusedly, he grabbed my waist with one hand and with the other he held my cheek basically. But I couldn't move, it's weird.

"Oh you think I'm gay, but I know you enough. I know you want some proof and I'll give you that proof, right here and right now." He said close to my ear and then again he looked a t me with his basic smirk on his face.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him, but right after that he kissed me, roughly, if I may add. I didn't want to give in, but eventually I did and kissed him back. I'm not that weird if I say I enjoyed it, right? He tightened his grip on my waist tho and after a couple of minutes he pulled away, panting.

"Do you still think I'm gay, baby girl?" He whispered to me.

"I do not." I said and looked at him in the eyes.

"Good, because trust me that one day you'll say those two words with me. We'll both say 'I do' when we're getting married and I know you'll like it. Now...good night, love." He said and kissed my cheek. Then left with his goons and left me there standing literally dumbfounded. 

Well...that day actually came, when we said those two amazing words...'I do'  while looking at each other directly in the eye and having smile on our faces.

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