He's weird

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It's so hard having a crush on your friends. Well...we're not exactly friends, but sort of. We're not best friends and you can hardly call us friends, because we're  just talking...a bit, but he can be annoying when he wants attention. Especially when you're in the same house...Slytherin. Anyway it's so hard, for real. I don't like this at all. And then I have to see him every day. I'm crying silently. Gotta admit.

Anyway...right now we have breakfast.

"Y/N/N! Love! Y/N! Pay attention to me!" Draco whined next to me. I tried to keep an emotionless face. He's funny when he's whining, acting like a little baby. I'm gonna give up soon.

"Y/N! Princess! How have I called you? My little precious friend! Pay attention to me." He whined again, I turned to him with a  innocent smile on my face.

"Yes, Draco?" I asked innocently.

"Finally! Now...what's your first lesson? I mean...we have 2 lessons of Potions after the first lesson." Draco said quickly.

"I have DADA with Gryffindors, you?" I asked him and then threw an apple to him.

"Aghhh why? And I don't want to eat!" Draco whined again.

"Because I just have. Eat it or I'll make you eat!" I said, he pouted and I rolled my eyes.

"No!"  He said.

"Draco, my dear...remind me again how old are you, please." I said with a smirk on my face.

"15...still! I don't want to eat!" He said, I groaned and then I saw Blaise sitting 2 people away from me.

"Blaise!" I shouted, he almost fell down from the chair and then turned to me.

"Y/N stop scaring me out of nowhere! Now...what did you want?" Blaise complained, I chuckled.

"I'll never stop and you know it! All I wanted was to get your attention and I wanted to tell you that *stood up from the chair and started to walk away, but Draco was confused again* make sure that Draco eats at least that apple I gave him, because I don't want him to faint like last week. And if he doesn't...you tell me and I'll have a little chat with him." I said, Blaise chuckled and nodded.

"Where are you going, Y/N/N?" Draco asked grabbing my wrist.

"To Harry, Hermione and Ron. Lesson starts soon, bye. See you in Potions!" I told hi  smiling, he nodded sighing and then I ran off to the Golden Trio.

"Hey guys!" I said smiling.

"Hey, Y/N!" They said unison and we hugged.

"Ready for Umbridge?" Harry asked sighing.

"Hell no! I think I might yell at her again. Let's go, I don't want detention." I said, they nodded and we walked out of the Great Hall.

Draco’s POV

After Y/N left Blaise came and  sat down next to me. He had a smirk on his face. He's acting weird...

"You ok, mate?" I asked him, he nodded.

"Yup. Now eat, I don't want to die today. And you definitely should tell Y/N that you like her already. She likes you, you like her. Just tell her! It's not that hard, mate. Basically the whole school knows that you two like each other, but you won't admit it." Blaise explained to me.

"It seems as you and Y/N Are the only ones who are oblivious about this." He continued.

"You can't be sure that she likes me back...she might reject me if I ask her something. We're not exactly even friends. We're just messing around or something like that and then how do you expect me to confess my feelings for her?!" I asked panicking.

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