I'll kill you

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It's hard guys. Hard being a twin sister to the famous Harry Potter. We love each other very freaking much, but he can be a d*ck sometimes. Like literally, he messes with me and my mind. Once he tried to read my mind, but which he didn't know was that I'm able to block the others who try to read my mind. Even that son of a bitch who calls himself Lord Voldemort can't read my mind. I swear he's gonna kill me for that. Right now we're actually walking to Hogwarts from the secret passage way. And as 'we' I mean me, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville, because Neville came to help us.

"Neville how in the bloody hell are you still alive if those siblings use punching as a punishment?! How are the others gonna react?!" I asked quickly.

"Is Y/N feeling ok?" Neville asked chuckling.

"Yes, of course, why would you think she's not?" Harry asked also chuckling.

"I mean...mostly it's her, who is in trouble all the time. She has come back to the common room with more scars than you, Harry, and that's saying something. That's not the point tho. The others are gonna be happy to see you lot." Neville explained.

"Y/N has always been in trouble, I don't understand sometimes how's she still alive. Snape almost hexed her for messing with his food. We laughed at this and got detention." Harry said chuckling.

"Well that is really true, I don't deny it." I said quietly and we all chuckled.

We talked a bit more and then Neville opened the door and showed us to the others. They all clapped and smiled, hugging us.

"Harry!" Ginny said out of nowhere and hugged Harry.

"She hasn't seen her own brother for 6 months and she doesn't even hug me." Ron said disappointedly which made me, Hermione and Neville chuckle quietly again.

"Why did you come here Harry?" Seamus asked him and then looked at all of us.

"I-me and Y/N think that one of the horcruxes is in here." Harry said while looking at me and then at Seamus.

"Where is it?" Neville asked.

"We don't know." Both me and Harry said at the same time.

"Well...do you know where to find it?" Seamus asked us.

"We don't know that either." Harry said awkwardly.

"Well that means that there's a lot of hope on finding it." Seamus said sarcastically, but he didn't mean it to sound very bad...

"We know, but I think it has to do something with Ravenclaw." Harry said.

"We'll try to help you two as much as possible." Seamus said again, the four of us smiled at him. Then we all got a message from professor Snape to go to the Great Hall. Neville told us to look down so he wouldn't recognise us. We did as told and went to the Great Hall.

"If anyone knows anything about Harry or Y/N Potter then I'm telling you to step aside." Snape said with his usual voice and right after that me and Harry stepped out of basically...the sea of students. They all gasped and looked at us with wide eyes.

"HOW DARE YOU STAND THERE?! HE TRUSTED YOU!" Harry yelled and after that the Order of the Phoenix came in.

Harry and Snape argued a bit, but then professor McGonagall stood in front of Harry and they started to fight. Then Snape transformed and went away.

"What are you all waiting for? Grab them!" Parkinson said in her high pitched voice, I rolled my eyes and looked at her.

"Shut up, no wonder why Draco never liked you. You're so annoying and your voice is horrible." I said and then sighed, then Filch came in and McGonagall got mad at him and told him to take Slytherins to the dungeons.

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