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*This is gonna be long!!*

*Y/N's POV 5 weeks before*

Here I am! Back at Hogwarts, but not studying...teaching. Sounds crazy, right? None of my friends thought that I would want to teach DADA, but hah! I did. Well...I do. I'm a new teacher, because I'm starting this year. To be's my first day teaching today! It's scary. What if they don't like me...?

I was just waiting in my classroom waiting for the first students, which were 1st years. God...

Suddenly someone coughed and I blinked, coming back to reality.

"Professor?" A little girl asked me with a nervous smile.

"Oh, yeah! Hello! Everyone sit down!" I said now standing up and smiled at the little girl.

"Professor! Can you tell us about yourself a little?" A very excited platinum blonde haired boy asked me. He looks like my old...classmate Draco Malfoy. Damn it...

"Y'all wanna hear something about me?" I asked them chuckling and they all now nodded excitedly.

"Okay...well. My name's Y/N Y/L/N. But please do me a favor. Call me in by my first name in school. Don't call me 'professor'. It sounds too formal. And I want to be friendly with all of you...or friends even. Oh, and don't mention it in your home. That I want all of you to call me by my first name. In home...just call me professor. Ok?" I asked all of them with a nervous smile.

"Yes!" They all yelled happily and I chuckled.

"Ok, shush! Other professors might get mad if y'all yell in here. *They chuckled* Ok what else should I tell you?" I asked quietly and then talked to them about my days, when I was here...just studying.

"It was amazing. You're gonna love it. All of you. Oh! We had so much fun here. There were two was my best friend, still is, and the other...well I liked him, but it doesn't matter. Anyway...they were always fighting and once our teacher turned the boy I liked into a ferret. I was quite mad at the teacher, but now to think about was funny. There were so many adventures." I said with a little smile now and all of them were listening and laughing, when I said that Draco was turned into a ferret. I didn't mention his name, because what if the boy is...his son. It's either his son or Luna's.

"You had so much fun here!" A little girl said happily.

"Yes, I did, but I also got bullied." I said shrugging.

"Why?" Some of them asked confusedly.

"The boy I liked...well he bullied me, because he thought I was a blood traitor for hanging out with everyone. But it's fine now. Haven't seen each other since graduation." I said and smiled.

"He was so mean to you!" The blonde haired boy said and I smiled lightly.

"He was, but I never cared about that. I truly...was in love with him. Wouldn't be surprised if I saw him again and I would fall in love with him all over again." I said chuckling and they chuckled too.

"But now! Let's start with the actual lesson! If you wanna ask me something then just come to me, okay? *they nodded* I'm always here. Now..." I said trailing off and then we started our actual DADA lesson.

*after 2 lessons*

I had a free period now and I just stayed in my office and read an article about hockey. The muggle sport that I love. It was quiet until someone knocked on my door.

"Come in!" I said with a happy tone and put the article away.

"Hello, Y/N!" Two boys said excitedly.

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