Is this a Christmas miracle?!

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I have a question...

do you have any friends that doesn't love Christmas?!


I don't.

You know when we have Christmas in Hogwarts it's cool, but it would be a lot cooler when you can spend it with your friends or family or both. That would be really cool.

But it's bad don't have a family, you see I grew up in muggle family, yeah they were cool, and kind, and all that, but they weren't my real parents.

And guess who bullied me because of that? And guess who said  I don't deserve to be in here? And guess who told me that I'm not a witch? That I'm just like the others filthy muggles, and muggle-borns...and of course hates me because I'm in Gryffindor...

You guessed it correctly...yes, it's Draco, the ohhh so cool Draco Lucius Malfoy.

Well yeah...umm I have friends...


Harry, and Ron, and Hermione, and Neville, And Ginny, and Luna, and the twins, and Lee, and Blaise, (weird, I know. He's in Slytherin, I know. We shouldn't be friends, I know. Does Malfoy knows about this? Oh hell no.) and Katie, and Angelina, and Susan, and Cedric...

Ok this list is not gonna end anytime soon, so I stop.

You have no idea how much I would love to have that git Malfoy as my friend...I mean come on he's pretty funny, yeah Blaise has told me a freaking lot about him. And what he does when he's annoyed. And much more.

And come's holiday season, why can't he be LESS  rude to everyone, except for his friends, of course.

"Yo! Y/N we kinda might have a problem..." Hermione said, I turned to her, and then looked at her, and she looked nervous.

"Umm...what did you  do?" I asked, now also looking nervous.

" and Blaise talked about...something, and then Malfoy came, and he was confused, and then he asked Blaise why is he talking to me, you know. * I nodded*  Then he asked where you are. And then me and Blaise looked at each other until Blaise said 'Probably somewhere hoping for you to be less rude to her, for not making her commit a suicide or anything. Oh and just hoping for you to have her as a friend, because she likes you. Not in that way, in a friend way I mean. WAIT WHY AM I TELLINGYOU THIS RIGHT NOW?!' So basically after that Malfoy...fainted, then we dragged him in the hospital wing, and then Madame Pomfrey asked us what's wrong with him, we told her the whole story, and then she told us to find you so...WE HAVE TO GO THE HOSPITAL WING RIGHT NOW."  Hermione basically yelled in the end, I looked at her with wide eyes, and then we both started to run to the hospital wing.

But Blaise came out of nowhere, like 2 corridors before the hospital wing doors.

"Y/N? Oh my god, thank god you're here. Let's go." Blaise said, grabbed my arm, and yeah for real he basically dragged me into there.

And then we entered...

We all looked around and then I saw Madame Pomfrey, and I ran to her, she was right next to Draco's bed.

"How is he?" I asked, looking at Draco, and then at her eyes.

"I don't even know. But definitely there's something wrong. I mean no one faints just because of a chat like this. I think. We just have to wait, until he wakes up. And maybe then he can tell us all what happened, and why it all happened." Madame Pomfrey explained. We all nodded. 

Then we tried to find some chairs to sit on. Eventually we did, and all three of us sat around his bed, and we were silent for like 5 minutes, until I broke it.

"Why did you told him that, Blaise?" I asked, still looking at Draco with a sad face.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't want to tell him that, for real. I was just so focused on talking to Hermione." Blaise explained.

"If you think I'm mad at you, then I'm not. I was just he fainted after this? It's scary. What if he hadn't eat at all, for the whole day, and then you came with all this stuff...told him all that, and then he wasn't able know, like process all this, and then he fainted? What if there's something wrong with his health?" I asked them, and then looked back at Draco.

"I'm-" Hermione started to say, but she got cut off...

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