Why him?

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In all honesty I'm scared. Like really scared. The problem is that someone put Harry's name on the Goblet of Fire and now he has to be part of this competition. I hate that, because he's not even 17 and then some fools think that he himself put his name inside the goblet. But I know Harry enough, he wouldn't do that, trust me. That's not the only thing, Cedric is part of this shit too. This is some risky business guys, for fuck sake. Today they have their first task, I'm not happy about that. I wanted to wish them good luck, but Dumbledore stopped me with Ron and Hermione. Ok what did I do now?

"Ms. Diggory!" Dumbledore shouted behind me. Oh yeah, didn't tell you guys...I'm Cedric Diggory's little sister. Anyway I turned around and looked at him with a little smile.

"Yes, professor?" I asked smiling.

"Mr. Weasley over here knows that you love dragons and he told me that you know how to calm them down..." Dumbledore started to explain.

"Yeah, ok?...What about it?" I asked confusedly.

"You know the first task is dragons, right? *I nodded with a look like 'everyone knows cmon'* Of course you know, but the thing is that, I think you probably know too, that these dragons might not be very happy when their egg is gonna be stolen? So could you do me a favour and calm them down, when the task is over?" Dumbledore asked, I looked at him for a bit.

"Sure. I have nothing better to do anyway. Harry is the last one, right? *Dumbledore nodded* Ok when Harry's back I'll come to the Forbidden Forest when those dragons are gonna be taken. But now I'm gonna go and wish Harry and my brother good luck." I said, he nodded and I walked away.

"You're gonna sit with us, Y/N, right?" Hermione asked smiling.

"Yup, wait you're gonna wish good luck to Harry too?" I asked her and she nodded. 

After wishing them good luck we went to find Ron, so we could sit down. Sadly pretty close to Malfoy and his goons.

"Hi, Ron!" Me and Hermione said in unison and sat next to Ron, but of course Malfoy saw our presence. 

"Did Weaslbee really got himself a girl? Or even two?" Malfoy asked, I rolled my eyes sighing and then turned to him with an angry look.

"Shut up, Malfoy or I will turn you into a ferret like professor Moody did!" I said angrily, he stood up and walked in front of me with a smirk on his face.

"Was that a threat, Diggory? Oh baby you wouldn't do anything to me. You love me too much for that." He said smirking, I looked at him with wide eyes and then groaned loudly.

"Yeah, maybe it was, Malfoy. You spoiled little-" I started to shout at him, but Ron cut me off.

"Are you guys like d-dating?" Ron asked stuttering while looking at me and Malfoy. Hermione just looked shocked. I zoned out, but then I felt someone grabbing my waist and pulling me close to them. I looked up and saw that it was Malfoy.

"Oh, yeah, didn't you two know? We've been together for a month. Why didn't you tell them, baby?" Malfoy asked me smirking and then he kissed my cheek.

"I promise I will kill you. We both know we're not dating. Why are you such a jerk? Besides what the bloody hell? Why did you kiss my cheek?" I asked him quickly, but he only smirked. Then he leaned close to my ear...

"It's your fault, you threatened me. Now have a good time explaining this to your brother and your other friends, princess."  He whispered and then looked at me in the eye for a second.

"Now have a good time with your friends, baby." He said loudly enough for Ron and Hermione to hear.

"Get the fuck away from us, you brat." I said angrily and then sat down next to Hermione and sighed.

"W-why didn't y-you tell u-us?" Hermione asked stuttering, probably because she was still in shock.

"We're not dating. Just trust me. He only said that because he was mad at me for threatening him. Don't kill me, but yeah, I think he's kind of cute. He's just being an asshole towards me. I don't like this at all. I didn't even do anything physical to him. I only threatened him, but it was his fault. If I had done something physical his father would have probably killed me by now." I explained.

"You're totally mental." Ron said and chuckled.

"I agree, but so are you, my dear friend, Ronald!" I said with an evil smirk.

"Don't say my name like that. You're mentally killing me. If you say my first name, instead of my nickname...then it feels like you're gonna attack me or something." Ron said awkwardly. I started to chuckle and Hermione rolled her eyes also chuckling.

"You guys are weirdos. Besides Y/N/N I'm not mad at you for saying that he's cute. I kind of agree, but that's not the point. I think he actually likes you, like for real. Now let's watch the task." Hermione said, I stood there frozen, but then shrugged it off and watched the task.

When Harry was done I quickly ran out of there, to the Forbidden Forest. When I made it I looked at all those dragons...they look gorgeous. 

"Wow..." I said with a smile and looked all those 4 dragons. God...I want to keep one.

"You must be Y/N Diggory, right?" A man asked me.

"Yup, this is me. Now who's dragon should I uh...calm down? Like Dumbledore said." I asked this man.

"Why don't you take your brother's? I mean if you want to, of course." He asked me.

"Sure thing." I said and walked to the dragon.

Harry's POV

When the task was over  I changed my clothes and walked to Hermione and Ron, but then I saw them talking with Malfoy. What the hell? Let's see what they're talking about... 

"Where's Diggory?" Malfoy asked angrily.

"Which one?" Hermione asked slowly which made Malfoy roll his eyes.

"The young one of course." He said sighing. I made it to them and stood next to Hermione.

"Why do you want to know where she is?" I asked looking at him. He looked at Hermione and Ron for a second and then turned to me and opened his mouth to say something...

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