Oh no... (part 4)

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"Ok. I'm done. Now let's go to sleep." Draco said, I turned to him, and he getting under the covers.

I tried to move closer to him. He smiled as I laid down next to him.

"Good night Angel, and please stop looking like Y/N, because it's gonna be hard to look at you. Goshhh why do I like her, she would never like me back." Draco said sighing, and closed his eyes. And again I licked his face, he smiled a little, and put his arm around my puppy form.

After all I can sleep peacefully...


Who thought that mornings are good? Who made them? I do not like them at all.

Like literally not at all.

They hate me, I hate them. It's all mutual.

"Good morning, Angel." Draco whispered, I licked his face again.

Which made him smile again. I think I actually love  this smile.

"I gotta change fast, and then I have to go to breakfast. I'll see you later." Draco said again, and walked to his bathroom to change.

He came back after like 20 minutes, I swear he's turtle. Or he's like a  woman who can't decide what to wear. And then kissed my forehead, and left. 

He's so cute!!!!

Never mind, I'll just do something now.

Hermione's POV

When we had breakfast I glanced at the Slytherin table, and I saw Malfoy smiling. Like an actual smile. Wow he can actually smile?

Anyway yeah, he was smiling. I've never seen him so happy.

"Hermione!" Ron yelled, I quickly turned to him.

"What?!" I asked him confusedly.

"You were zooned out for like 10 minutes. What's wrong?" Now Harry asked me.

"I'm j-just. I'm just worried about Y/N. I mean Malfoy is happy to have this wolf puppy, but when he finds out it's Y/N...I think this will not end happily. Or will. I don't know, It's just that I've never seen him so happy. I'm getting some weird vibes because of this." I told them truthfully.

"Maybe. I mean yeah. I'm also worried about her. I mean she's my twin after all. And she's basically kidnapped by her crush. Wow this sounds creepier every time I think about it." Ron said, looking back to his plate confusedly.

to be really honest the whole next day was just as interesting as always. Well to Harry, and Ron maybe it was boring. Because they don't take classes as serious as I am. Sometimes it feels like they hate to be in here, but actually they do.

But yeah nothing much has happened, I mean many students have been asking for Y/N like 'Is she ok?' or 'When is she gonna get well?', and questions like this. I would worry too, but you know... I know what's wrong with her. Even Malfoy got the bravery to ask me...

And he was polite, I mean wow... he asked like this 'Hello, Granger! How's Y/N?'.

I like it when he's not a d*ck...

Y/N's POV, and a huge time skip to the 3rd day evening...

Being a wolf puppy for 3 days has been exhausting. Like really exhausting. I like it, kind of. I mean I haven't been in lessons for 3 days. Blaise and Draco are both worried. Especially Draco. He's like a baby. I mean look at him...his beautiful blue eyes, platinum blonde hair, and his six pack... yup too good to be possible. I think I'm falling for this boy, actually no joke. But oh god... I wanna sleep now. 

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