Who's that?

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I was just looking around the Forbidden forest. Don't ask how did I got here, please. It's a long story, really. But I know you want to know so...I'll tell this in a short way...I came here to look for the oh so famous Harry Potter. I have nothing against him it's just I feel so useless because of him. He's always so important to any teacher, and basically to every wizards. Well not for the Malfoys, but still. You probably get my point. 

Harry is in his 3rd year at Hogwarts, I think. I am too tho. 

But the bad thing is that some evil bird hurt me, and it was not Buckbeak. Yes, I do know who it is. Hagrid should probably introduce Buckbeak to Harry, the Gryffindors and to the Slytherin kids, including Malfoy of course.

My arm hurts like a son of a bitch, goshhh. For Merlin's sake, I hate the pain. And I don't know a spell for the pain to go away.

Hermione's POV

We were walking to the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid, because he said that we're gonna meet one awesome pet he has again. But it's in the Forbidden Forest...so much can happen in there.

"What pet do you think Hagrid has now?" Harry asked.

"I wanna know too." Ron said, I nodded.

We ended up basically in some kind of circle in the middle of the forest. 

Malfoy being the git he is...

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Harry yelled at him when he again said something. I grabbed Harry's hand and turned him around...

"He's not worth it!" I told him, he nodded, but then turned back to him.

They glared at each other, and then Malfoy looked up at the sky, and then pointing his index finger in the sky.

"D-De-Dementor, Dementor!" Malfoy yelled, basically all of us turned around and saw nothing.

"Enough! Let's meet Buckbeak now." Hagrid said excitedly.

"Buckbeak?" Ron asked confusedly.

"Who exactly is that?" I asked looking at the creature, worriedly.

"It's a-" Hagrid was cut off by Ron.

"It's a freaking Hippogriff. But how do you have that, Hagrid?!" Ron asked confusedly, looking at Hagrid.


I heard someone saying "It's a freaking Hippogriff. But how do you have that, Hagrid?!" so I think I'm pretty close to them. And then somehow I saw Buckbeak. I came into their view, and then all went black.

Hermione's POV

We all looked at Buckbeak, and then somehow a girl with Y/H/C came behind it. And then she collapsed. Hagrid rushed to her, we all looked kinda panicked. Even Malfoy. He looked zooned out.

"Oh my god what do I do?!" Hagrid asked panicking.

"Is she breathing?!" I asked and ran to the girl. 

Draco's POV

When I saw that extremely beautiful girl collapsing I literally zooned out probably for 10 minutes.

"Oh my god what do I do?!" Hagrid asked panicking.

"Is she breathing?!" Asked the mudblood Granger, and then she ran towards her. But she looked shocked, so it doesn't mean the things are good.

I rolled my eyes, and walked to the girl.

"You need to take her to the hospital, you big oaf. And right now. What if something bad is gonna happen to her. Now come on!" I said angrily, Hagrid nodded and picked the girl up.

Granger looked at me shocked, and quickly followed Hagrid.

"Class dismissed!" Hagrid yelled.

"You could have said it quieter. What if you're gonna wake her up? Now go!" I told him angrily again, and then walked to Zabini, Nott, Parkinson, Crabbe and Goyle.

"What's wrong wit this girl?" Parkinson asked me. 

"I don't know. But we'll find out." I told them, they nodded. Then we followed the rest of the group back to Hogwarts. 

When we were back we had lunch time.

After eating we saw that famous Golden Trio waking out of the hospital wing, and then running somewhere.

"Let's go!" I told them, and we went to the hospital wing.

Madam Pomfrey told us that she's just unconscious because she lost a lot of blood, and she has cuts all over her chest. What happened to her?!

Hermione's POV

It's been like a week, and she's still unconscious. It's scary. I hope she'll wake up soon... I should go look at her.

When I ended up next to her bed I saw that she's not that pale anymore. Maybe she'll wake up?!

I looked closer to her face to look closer, you know. But when I was close enough...

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