Where could he be?

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*There's some suicide stuff so...if u think u could get triggered or sth...just don' read it please. I don't want you to do sth stupid...and I don't want you to suffer...or bring back memories with it. I've been through that so...if u wanna talk I'm here:)*

Y/N's POV 

It's really irritating. 

Having a best friend...who you also have a crush on. I mean...it wouldn't be or anything if your best friend liked you back, huh? You wouldn't cry because of him...wouldn't be sad because of him...wouldn't be in pain.

It really does hurt. And the fact that he doesn't even see how much pain you are in...it-

"Y/N Y/L/N! Pay attention to me." Blaise, my other good friend said, snapping his fingers in front of me.

"What?" I asked with a sigh and he looked at me with a sad smile.

"I wanted to know how you're feeling. So...how are you feeling?" He asked and Theodore, who was sitting next to him, looked at us confusedly.

"I'm...spectacular." I said with a fake smile.

"I don't understand." Theodore said and I rolled my eyes at him jokingly.

"When was the last time you actually understood something?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"Good question but I don't have an answer. It's 7am. You need to stop. My brain can't process anything you say." Theodore said and the three of us laughed.

And then...Draco, who was sitting next to me, turned to us and looked confused. And then...Parkinson, who was sitting on his lap, turned to us too and nudged my arm, which made me roll my eyes. Yes, Draco is my best friend...

"What did we miss?" Draco asked and looked at me and I sighed.

"Nothing that you would care about. *Stood up* Blaise...I'll see you in the class. I-I gotta go." I said and he looked at me sadly. But then Draco grabbed my wrist, to stop me.

"What's wrong?" He asked me, getting irritated and I scoffed.

"Like you would actually care. Let me go." I said and felt a tear rolling down my cheek. He looked at me sadly and let go of my wrist and I basically ran out of the Great Hall, to Transfigurations class.

I sat down on my usual sat and waited for everyone to come to the class.

Draco's POV

"What did we miss?" I asked and looked at Y/N and she just sighed.

"Nothing that you would care about. *Stood up* Blaise...I'll see you in the class. I-I gotta go." She said and I looked at her sadly. But then I grabbed her wrist, to stop her.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, getting irritated and she scoffed.

"Like you would actually care. Let me go." She said, getting quieter and then I saw a tear rolling down her cheek. I loosened my grip on her wrist and then she basically ran out of the Great Hall to our first class.

I saw Potter, Weaslbee and Granger looking at where Y/N had ran just a minute ago, they turned to each other and ran after her but didn't go before sending me a glare.

What did I do now?! More importantly...why was Y/N crying??

"Alright. What did I do?" I asked angrily and turned to Blaise and shoved Parkinson away from me.

"Oh, no, no, no. I'm not saying it. She'll curse me if I tell you." Blaise said and then I saw Nott mumbling something, mostly to himself.

But...Y/N is my best friend. Why isn't she telling me what's wrong? I thought we don't have secrets between us. Well...I'm never going to tell her that...that I like her. And I'm trying to get her out of my head...that's why I'm with Parkinson most of the time.

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